Releases for family portraits
I've mainly been shooting individuals, so I don't have much experience here. When you do a family portrait, do you have every single person in the session sign a contract (including parents signing for children when necessary)?
It just seems like a ton of paperwork just to secure the ability to use images in a portfolio if you're having 5 or more people involved.
How does this work for you?
It just seems like a ton of paperwork just to secure the ability to use images in a portfolio if you're having 5 or more people involved.
How does this work for you?
On the same note, I'm wondering about the use of event photography in a portfolio. Does one require releases from any recognizable faces if you're shooting, say, a school theatre banquet? Or is placing images in your portfolio not considered commercial advertising?
In a similar vein, I shot a musical group recently. Tom Smith and his Great Group. Do I need for all band members to sign? Only Tom? Tom/Great Group's Manager? There was a guest appearance by another (solo) artist, and I'm fairly sure I would need a separate release for him. Does it depend upon the legal structure of the band?
-Fleetwood Mac
Matt: Your headline and post are confusing. Are you asking about releases or contracts?
a) You don't need releases for non-commercial use of images.
b) Your contract need only be signed by the person paying you.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Sorry about that. I am talking about releases, but often times the release is incorporated into the contract. At least my individual portrait contracts contain a release clause.
As for a), I realize this, but I am concerned with whether or not using the image in my portfolio constitutes a commercial use. If it doesn't, great. How about my page's slideshow? Permanently fixed to the logo (see my site)?
If I desire commercial use, I can have everyone sign the contract assuming it contains a provision regarding this, right? Or must I have seperate contracts and model releases?
commercial use is the sale of your photograph to a legal entity for the purpose of advertising, etc. Example: Your photograph is used on a box of cereal or a print ad for toilet paper.
Even in those situations, it's the advertising agency, their client or the publisher / printer who needs to be most concerned with releases.
(use on your website or in your portfolio is NOT commercial use)
As for the signators to a contract: If one member of a group takes legal responsibility for all members of the group, that isn't really your problem. Just be certain you have boilerplate that spells out that responsibility and a hold-harmless clause.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots