Best way to upload from iPhoto on Mac?
I have and prepare all of my photos in iPhoto on my Mac and then upload them to smugmug. I would prefer to upload an entire album into a smugmug album, and have it also transfer comments correctly. Currently I use the "smugmug uploader" v2.0 for this because I don't know if the drag and drop or other uploading methods preserve iPhoto comments. I also heard there were issues with newer versions of the uploader in that it would put photos in the wrong album or something like that. However, "smugmug uploader" crashes a lot on me. About every 100 pictures it crashes, after which I have to manually create a temp album and remove the pictures that have been already uploaded. This is a huge pain. Also, sometimes it complains that a file is too big to upload. I don't know if this is an uploader limit or a smugmug limit. What is the best tool to upload my iPhoto pictures onto Smugmug with? Do I have a better alternative than what I am using?
Try this version of the mac uploader:
We're working fast and furioius on a newer version of the Mac Uploader, stay tuned.
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The new version doesn't popup error messages, it keeps uploading.
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