API Update: Additions to HTTP PUT and raw HTTP POST

Hey Guys,
We released some changes to HTTP PUT and raw HTTP POST tonight.
The following header fields have been added/modified...
We released some changes to HTTP PUT and raw HTTP POST tonight.
The following header fields have been added/modified...
- X-Smug-Keywords
- X-Smug-Latitude
- X-Smug-Longitude
- X-Smug-Altitude
- X-Smug-ResponseType, now supports JSON and PHP response formats.
Great! The image-level keywords are finally here:-)
Thank you for your guys hard work (and for the prompt update)!
Does this mean i can upload photos with S*E and then come back and change the keywords on my pc/photos and then only have to upload the keywords to the photos already stored on SM?
is there something like this to upload only a description change as well?
I have just purchased the DAM book and iview...but as you know that was the easy part...now adding keywords...i want to use SM as a photo backup too...but all my photos don't have keywords yet...so i would have to upload...add keywords as time/kids permit...delete photos from SM and upload again...
I'm not very good with these forums except for searching...so i know i should start a new thread with these next questions...but thought i would leave them in one place for you to answer them too...i will not have my feelings hurt too bad if someone moves this though.
can S*E upload customization? css, js, html, themes etc that goes into the customization page on the control panel page?
(i couldn't find anything in your faq)
(i really like the new tabs btw!)
can S*E perform zoom thumbnails before i upload photos to SM?
can S*E move photos/categories/galleries around SM as i get more organized?
how much is it to upgrade to new version of S*E...or does the purchase price include unlimited upgrades/support?
Thank you for your questions!
No, it's not. What you can do is to apply keywords in S*E before upload.
I don't have already uploaded image info update functionality in S*E (yet).
I still think it's faster to simply go to SM site and do bulk description/keywords over there.
Unfortunately, no again on all these - at least yet. For some of those there is no API to do it, for some I haven't done it yet.
Upgrades are all free, simply get the latest version!
so i could upload all my photos keywordless right now using S*E (just incase a huricane takes my house/photos away...)
then sometime in the future i would only have to upload the keywords to the photos?
i have modified a script that came with iview to convert iview catalog sets to keywords...
it is much easier than even typing...i drag them into a folder then the script assigns keywords from the folder names
Thanks for the quick response
While I'm not saying it's impossible, it would require a lot of work, hence it's not in the immediate plans, so please don't hold your breath. It may come, it may not...
You're welcome! You can also use the email, I usually get those even faster than forum posts...:-)