I swear, I haven't given up yet. I figured out that my camera wouldn't fire because I had my built-in flash popped up. Once I locked down the flash, my D80 would fire just fine with the hand-held reversed lens.
Of course, this leaves me trying to take macros without a flash. I've been trying to find a way to force the flash to fire with my lens dismounted and reversed, but I've had no luck.
Next step options: continually scold camera until it feels shamed into obeying me, use a really bright spotlight to compensate for lack of flash, or give in and buy the external flash I need but can't afford and try to fire it off camera. Of course, the collective genius here may have another idea I haven't thought of yet.
Not familiar with D80s but do they have any user set functions ? you may find you can alter the way the camera responds to the flash being up ?
Lord VetinariRegistered UsersPosts: 15,901Major grins
edited August 14, 2007
A few more shots
Some more dew shots. First two are high mag (around 3:1) ISO200, F9, 1/200th camera in manual flash shots. Last shot is a low magnification around 1:1 ISO 200 Tv mode 1/200th natural light shot. All the shots were focus stacked to increase the DOF.
I've had a lot of practice with dewdrop shots
Some more dew shots. First two are high mag (around 3:1) ISO200, F9, 1/200th camera in manual flash shots. Last shot is a low magnification around 1:1 ISO 200 Tv mode 1/200th natural light shot. All the shots were focus stacked to increase the DOF.
I've had a lot of practice with dewdrop shots
Brian V.
Damn you Brian, you're so good it's impossible to even go that direction... :bash
Some more dew shots. First two are high mag (around 3:1) ISO200, F9, 1/200th camera in manual flash shots. Last shot is a low magnification around 1:1 ISO 200 Tv mode 1/200th natural light shot. All the shots were focus stacked to increase the DOF.
I've had a lot of practice with dewdrop shots
And to prove my non-defeat, I marched right outside after my post yesterday to take advantage of a break in the rain. I'm still flash deficient, so these were taken with natural light and my ISO juiced up way high. They're noisy as all heck, but as least the frame was captured!
ISO 1600
1/50 s
f/1.0 (oh, my camera was so fooled!)
Same settings as above, but ISO 1000
Who needs flowers when you can squeeze a whole building into one of these drops?
Whew. No more macro for me until I have the flash and lens for it.
And to prove my non-defeat, I marched right outside after my post yesterday to take advantage of a break in the rain. I'm still flash deficient, so these were taken with natural light and my ISO juiced up way high. They're noisy as all heck, but as least the frame was captured!
Who needs flowers when you can squeeze a whole building into one of these drops?
Whew. No more macro for me until I have the flash and lens for it.
Thank you, nice entries!
I especially like the first one, it looks almost like some lizard skin...
Not familiar with D80s but do they have any user set functions ? you may find you can alter the way the camera responds to the flash being up ?
brian V.
Some more dew shots. First two are high mag (around 3:1) ISO200, F9, 1/200th camera in manual flash shots. Last shot is a low magnification around 1:1 ISO 200 Tv mode 1/200th natural light shot. All the shots were focus stacked to increase the DOF.
I've had a lot of practice with dewdrop shots
Brian V.
FWIW, I've been pointing a lot of non-Dgrin/Smugmuggers over this way lately - specifically for Brian's macros!
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
Totally amazing!
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Man, I had my hopes up, too. (Which, of course, makes me a Nikon user.)
This has not yet defeated me! :patch
ISO 1600
1/50 s
f/1.0 (oh, my camera was so fooled!)
Same settings as above, but ISO 1000
Who needs flowers when you can squeeze a whole building into one of these drops?
Whew. No more macro for me until I have the flash and lens for it.
Thank you, nice entries!
I especially like the first one, it looks almost like some lizard skin...
I have bought today the body cover for 5,15 € and tomorrow I am going to make the hole on it.
The filter, I have it already and I am going to use it with the kit lens.
I think I'll give that a try myself. Thanks for sharing Antonio.
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Thank you.
I have few to show, nothing impressive, but here it goes..
Anyone wants to buy my lens? It's for sale
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
It looks like the back window of a care with alot of dew on it...
But last entry still keeps me guessing...
It was a foggy morning and this was shot to a spider web.
got it, thanx!
From the collection of my favorite ones.
Then it's DQ-ed by default: fresh pics only!
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.