Help! What's going wrong???

I took these shots of my daughter yesterday... why so much noise? I'm not geting the crisp shots I'm used to! Could it be the lens? help!
Shot this at 1000 4.5 w/ canon 10D 35-80 1:4-5.6
understand that I'm pretty new with this camera. I'm used to a Nikon but just bought this and I know it has the capability to take great shots... whats going wrong here?????
Shot this at 1000 4.5 w/ canon 10D 35-80 1:4-5.6
understand that I'm pretty new with this camera. I'm used to a Nikon but just bought this and I know it has the capability to take great shots... whats going wrong here?????
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That's the shutter speed. Kent was asking about the ISO setting. You
probably did what David described.
"Not everybody trusts paintings, but people believe photographs."- Ansel Adams
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Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
and you must have had the ISO up pretty high. I just finished this shoot and took these at ISO 1600 - there is noise, but not so bad. I agree that the focus must be a little off too. These had NO noise reduction. In fact, if anything, I probably made the noise a bit worse with the unsharp maks that I applied.
Check the EXIF and let us know what ISO you were shooting at. I love my 10D and get great shots out of it.
But the fact that you're shooting in the shade and those were your settings makes me think it was definitely your ISO.
And if you pushed it at all (didn't have it exposed just perfect), that noise shows up.