digital downloads

Are there some basic recommendations regarding what size of photos can be printed from the two sizes of DD available? I'd like to include this info on my site for future customers...such as, 1 mp can print nicely up to 5x7 and 4 mp can print nicely up to 11x14. Any tips, please?
Some folks claim the 1 mp files print up to an 8x10 print. Haven't tried it myself, but I sell them as such (low-res prints up to 8x10) and haven't had any complaints from buyers.
I would love to see web res only files available for downloads, but so far that one is still not available through SM.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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I only sell 1MP and full resolution. As far as I'm concerned, a 4MP file can be printed large enough that I would rather just sell the original. I never have, but I've sold probably half a dozen 1MP image for Christmas cards and such.
You can read my page about it here:
I actually need to redo it. I've decided to just allow people to purchase them for (I think) $30 a piece instead of ramping the price down as they purchase more. I have to do that all manually and they ahve to purchase twice.
So if they purchase a download, I will send them a replacement AFTER I've edited it.
Gotta run!
Unless you make a special gallery of them and size them yourself, and sell them as Originals
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I mean, if we're talking about 400 x 600 as web size, people can still print passable 4x6's at 100dpi from those, so you might as well not even bother, in my opinion.
My thoughts are if they want to share their photos online, they can buy a more expensive image or simply give people the gallery address for easy viewing.
People are web-proficient enough these days to appreciate that viewing images in a gallery designed for viewing is a lot easier and more rewarding than scrolling through an email and/or downloading attachments.
Seems like a lot of extra work (even using actions and bridge), plus an added explantion about why the original is actually a web res file, confusion to the buyer over that (why are some galleries web res 'originals' and some are print res 'originals'?), double galleries of the same images, etc, etc.
Andy, I actually used to do it this way and it was a PITA, confusing, and didn't help my sales at all.
Just as MANY other folks have requested, being able to upload a single photo that can be sold as a downloaded web res or original res plus have the option of prints sales is what I would consider a thumbs up... not creating confusion and seperate galleries and uploading the same image twice.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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We hope to have this when we have Stock Photos
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Cool... that's worthy of a thumbs up for sure!
I do know SM's "chore" list is long so glad to see this one floating to the top. Thanks for the update, Andy.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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