Best RAW Editor in the market?

I would like to ask for the best RAW editor out there, I've been usind C1 Pro and Bibble Pro, but I would like another one, a more flexible one, so when a question strikes my mind I always think of all my friends at Dgrin.
Thank you very much for the attention.
Thank you very much for the attention.
"... anger, frustration, deception, loneliness are its meal... don't feed him" - Donatto on Zeoneth
I use Bibble Pro myself, and to me right now overall it's the "best for me." I cannot imagine any other being more flexible, however. With all the built-in options, very robust batching, and all the plugins from Sean and a few others now. I am going to be taking a long, hard look at LightZone when time allows; it has intrigued me & I tried it on a previous PC (yay, new registry allows me a new, second trial), I liked what I saw overall but didn't "get it" with some of the concepts, now I do and wnat ot give it another go.
Just tried the new and improved version of Bibble Pro. Has a lot of options, that's for sure. I want a raw convertor...not an image editor.
I've tried them all...and as much as I dislike Adobe, I have to say that Lightroom is elegant, powerful, and costs way too much.
And yes, I think I'll stick to Bibble as my main RAW editor, and I say editor because I don't just convert it to a 16bit TIFF for nothing, I think some simple adjustments can help a little bit, anyways, thank you all for your answers, you cleared my mind, specially you claudermilk
Author "Color Management for Photographers"