Universal Drag n Drop uploader issues. Still

I see that the universal uploader has been changed/updated or whatever, but it seems that I *still* can not use the universal uploader.
I have no idea what changed on this computer/browser (FF2.0.0.4), but I originally used this cool (and faster to use) uploader but now it's not (ok - still not) working for me.
ANY ideas? I just updated my flash player, I've got up to date Java too.
I have no idea what changed on this computer/browser (FF2.0.0.4), but I originally used this cool (and faster to use) uploader but now it's not (ok - still not) working for me.
ANY ideas? I just updated my flash player, I've got up to date Java too.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Please try updating your Java, okay?
Link, here: http://www.java.com/en/
Our help page for the uploader is here:
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Thanks for the reply Andy - I have updated my Java earlier to see if that would help but it does not help at all. Using FF2.0.0.4 I get "Ack! We didn't receive any photos" message. Using IE6, I get something like 'this document has no information' or words to that effect.
Any other ideas? I even tried to disable my virus program to see if it was messing with things but it didn't help iether.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
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Stupid FF - after deleting the cookies it automatically blocks the cookies from that site
Deleted the cookies - re loaded page, logged in, attempted drag n drop - still same error
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
But, it works fine using different uploader "internet explorer uploader" using IE of course.
Still don't know why it doesn't work with universal uploader!!
Clarify pls
What does this mean - did you "approve" the applet? Do you see the green smuggy? Do you get any error messages?
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Oh, you where talking to someone else lol
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
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It is, and always has been. I can log in, I can use any uploader except for the one I want to use, and this is the one I used to use. The universal.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
Please try reinstalling Firefox, Derek?
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Believe it or not - but I've done that already :cry
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
One quick thing, it may not be applicable. Does anything start to upload and do it show the status bars. If not , did you know that if any file that you are dragging into the box isn't a supported file, it won't upload any of the files. If you are doing a quick select all, you maybe accidentally selecting a non .jpg or .png, or selecting a hidden file, etc. I have done that a few times and didn't realize it until I got frustated and dragged one at a time. Also if the file size is to large the same thing will happen. Just a couple of potential gotcha's you may or may not have thought of.
Hi bham:
THe upload starts, the status bar does its thing and the file I'm trying to upload is a jpg. I even tried another jpg, and a gif. The file sizes range from around 30kb to 727kb.
Not sure what has changed but all of a sudden (this happened a while back not just lately), it stopped working
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."
So the status bar starts, does it completely upload, or just lock up, or what?
Not sure if this could be it or not, what security software do you run?
So you have a PC and have tried both IE6 and FF. Just a crazy thought, you might try to upgrade IE6 to IE7, probably not gonna do anything but IE7 has tabs like FF does, which is nice.
I know this might not be the solution you are looking for but have you checked into Star Explorer. I do a lot of big uploads, 300 - 1000 photos at a time and got sick of timeouts, an image here or there not uploading, etc. So I got it and my frustration level went from high to O. Most of the issues before were just normal internet connectivity issues, some occasional uploader issues, etc. But for me it was a lifesaver. Now I only use the universal uploader for small uploads of maybe 10 files, a dozen small files, etc.
The status bar goes all the way to 100% (as far as I can tell). I've run Norton on this computer with zone alarm since I got it (laptop). At some point the drag n drop stopped working. Since then I've deleted and reinstalled FF 3 times. Gotten rid of Norton AND zone alarm and now run Bit Defender. Differen programs, same result.
I don't use IE at all - too reasons to get into (and plus I just really hate billy gates). I've been using non windows browsers over 10 years (netscape, then opera, then ff).
On this computer, both FF and IE(6) stopped working...dunno why. Even if I couldnt fix it I would really like to know WHY it stopped working for me. Ya know?
Only reason I occasionally use IE is that sometimes a website wont work properly with ff, otherwise I'd never use it at all. Going from ff to ie, for me, is a big step backwards.
The drag n drop works fine on the pc, just not the laptop (anymore). I dont recall doing anything that caused it but then again, I wouldnt have known that I did something with that result right away.
What did Cinderella say when she left the photo shop? "One day my prints will come."