Restoring Windows Explorer Thumbs after removal of CS3 trial

I have always prefered to use Windows Explorer (Windows' built in file directory, not IE) to rapidly view my files. I have always been able to view both CR2 and PhotoShop's own PSD file thumbnails in Explorer. However, after removing the trial of CS3 (I plan to upgrade from my current CS2 around Christmas if not a bit later), I can no longer view PSD or CR2 thumbnails.
Any ideas how to restore seeing those thumbs in Windows Explorer?
Perhaps my research skills are lacking, but I have not been able to find info on restoring them through Google or Adobe's own web site. Thanks for any help!
Any ideas how to restore seeing those thumbs in Windows Explorer?
Perhaps my research skills are lacking, but I have not been able to find info on restoring them through Google or Adobe's own web site. Thanks for any help!
— Henry —
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
I thought that would work, too ... already tried it with no luck and just tried again to make sure I had not missed something. I really do need the Windows Explorer thumbs for CS2 psd files to show — I can get by without thumbs for CR2 as I shoot RAW+JPG for just this reason (general inability to view raw on others' computers). Any other ideas ... I'll try most anything!
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
Apparently Adobe feels it needs to disable the viewing of thumbnails in Windows Explorer (ostensibly because of speed issues, although others claim it is because they want you to use their own products). Nonetheless, one simply needs to restore the appropriate registry values if you still have the psicon.dll still in your C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Shell folder.
Or, if not, simply download which includes the DLL and two registry fix-er-ups. Install the files to the above directory, run the two reg edits, and I have my thumbnails back! Just in case others might need the file, here's where I got it and the explanation:
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
So what do you see when you open a folder of .CR2 files? Is thumbnail selected on the Explorer View menu?
EDIT: We were writing at the same time. Glad that you got it fixed, but I have to say, Adobe should be ashamed of themselves on this one. Nobody Should have to edit the registry after uninstalling a program. Ever. Grumble....
I will research more to see if there is a way to restore their loss, too, however as I mentioned I take RAW+JPG, and each RAW file displays next to its JPG so no real problem there ... perhaps even a boon as now I will not accidentally click on the JPG instead of the RAW or vice-versa.
Thanks for the help ... hopefully any other dGriner who uses a similar work methodology as I do will find these posts and be able to restore their thumbs!
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.