I may be giving up!!!

Hey Ya'll I am problably giving up on this. I have spent way too many hours/days/weeks trying to set up my site and just can't figure it out. I have to have something complete real soon and just can't make it happen. Is there anyone who is so good at this that it is just too simple for them that can help me. I have tried it myself, I have asked for direction and have gotten it but I am not tech savy enough to get it..now I am down to the wire and may have to scrap the whole thing. the site is http://earlstokes.smugmug.com I have somehow lost the slide show on the front page??? I just want to get my site set up so clients can view it??? I really like the way Andy has done his at http://www.moonriverphotography.com and was looking to do something close to the same for now..But I Can't:dunno I do respect the fact we should try and learn and do this ourself but there comes a point when I have to relize it's just not going to happen with me...
Anyone out there that can help a bum out?:bow
Anyone out there that can help a bum out?:bow
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I declare "shenanigans" on Andy. I guess I should check my email more often.:D
Slide show is working now. You had everything correct except one thing, you need something in the bioBox. I added 'hi" and now the slide show is working.
Where do you want to go from here? Let us know so we can get you up and running.
edit: thanks Allen. I had the post sitting while i was drinking my coffee.
I have in my galleries a (1) Pricelist (2) About me (3) Contact Me jpgs..but cant seem to get them into the correct section matching my buttons
Again Thanks A Bunch..I have messed with frontpage a little but am completly lost here and feeling like a moron
In your header nav code.
Replace your header nav with this. xxxxxxxx is the gallery number.
<div id="navcontainer">
<li><a href="http://earlstokes.smugmug.com">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/xxxxxxxx">About Me</a></li>
<li><a href="/Portfolio">Galleries</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/xxxxxxxx">Prices</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Clients</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/xxxxxxxx">Contact Me</a></li>
The Galleries link will now go to your Portfolio category.
Example of gallery number.
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How do I make each page i.e: prices, contact, about me... have the look of the main page and just have the images fill the screen without the (smugmug style buttons and all that...???
Put this in the gallery description. Change the photo number for each gallery.
<img src="http://earlstokes.smugmug.com/photos/174214352-O.jpg" />
Links to insert above for each gallery.
about me
Add this to your CSS.
.gallery_3168587 .journal_entry,
.gallery_3168541 .journal_entry,
.gallery_3168685 .journal_entry {display:none;}
.gallery_3168587 #albumNav_top ,
.gallery_3168541 #albumNav_top ,
.gallery_3168685 #albumNav_top {display: none;}
.gallery_3168587 #albumNav_bottom ,
.gallery_3168541 #albumNav_bottom ,
.gallery_3168685 #albumNav_bottom {display: none;}
.gallery_3168587 #breadcrumb ,
.gallery_3168541 #breadcrumb ,
.gallery_3168685 #breadcrumb {display: none;}
.gallery_3168587 #albumDescription ,
.gallery_3168541 #albumDescription ,
.gallery_3168685 #albumDescription {text-align: center;}
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What I want to do is have the jpg images for the Prices, contact me, about me, etc... suck up the whole page as in this example http://atsmith.smugmug.com/gallery/2675457 and have the page its self look like the Home page dark and all...
galleries? Turn them on if you want something bigger.:D
Also change the galleries to the same theme as you homepage.
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home = /
The other links are already relative.
Change from this
<li><a href="http://earlstokes.smugmug.com">Home</a></li>
To this
<div id="navcontainer">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/3168541">About Me</a></li>
<li><a href="/Portfolio">Galleries</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/3168587">Prices</a></li>
<li><a href="#">Clients</a></li>
<li><a href="/gallery/3168685">Contact Me</a></li>
Just playing around with the sizes. Change to these and see if
they look better.
about me
<img src="http://earlstokes.smugmug.com/photos/174214352-578x1000">
<img src="http://earlstokes.smugmug.com/photos/174224887-M.jpg">
<img src="http://earlstokes.smugmug.com/photos/174217731-750x2600">
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Hmmmm I dont think thats what I wanted:(: ... When I follow these instructions what happens is it connects to my website that is on www.earlstokes.com right now..I want to replace that poor sickly :sick site with my new Pimped Out :pimp SM site But I dont want the SM address I want it to be the www.earlstokes.com.. <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/thumb.gif" border="0" alt="" >