Strange search results
:scratch I've been trying to fine tune my images pertaining to descriptions and keywords to try and advertise my services. I have a lot of "senior portraits" on smugmug and attempted to do a search for Senior portraits virginia beach and the results show what appears to be adults on the site of "Poetic images" and nothing that pertains to senior pictures. Waaaaat's happening? bsvirginian:dunno
Please tell us:
* Exactly how you searched
* where did you search from (SmugMug, google, Yahoo, Other?)
* the gallery where the photos you have are located.
Please do not leave anything out. We need this info in order to answer your questions.
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I went to and clicked on search and requested "virginia beach senior portraits" and then "senior portraits, virginia beach". Displayed were a number of images under the name of Poetic image and Latin expression. bsvirginian
Hi, my last item you did not answer:
* the gallery where the photos you have are located.
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This, is a direct link to your gallery:
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You have no gallery keywords, please use them - you'll find them in gallery customization. Also the gallery title is very important, too
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Captions, Album Descriptions, Keywords, and Gallery keywords. Do them all
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