What have I gotten myself into?

i just sent out a proposal to a soccer organization to do team and individual photos for them - including all organization! - for 1400 kids! Am I completely nuts? Can I do this?
Well, I guess, only time will tell!
Well, I guess, only time will tell!
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
Cincinnati Smug Leader
The logistics will be the toughest part. After the first few teams, I'm sure it'll run like clockwork :-) The shooting part is easy, IMO, since you will control that.
Not to make light of this huge opportunity. But, from what I've seen, you are definitely up to the challenge
Good luck Ann, we're all pulling for you
I looked briefly into T&I photography last year, including talking to two people already in the biz who needed an extra camera. From what I learned, the camera work is the easy part. The hard part is the logistics. Keeping the photos organized in such a way that you know which team is which, who each child is, and what team they belong to. Next thing will be order fulfilliment, unless each parent does that themselves over the web.
I would bring a small whiteboard, marker, and eraser. Before each team photograph write the team name and take a pic. Then take the individual pics. Don't intermingles kids from one team with kids from another. Do a team then move on. I think it would be a nightmare any other way.
1400 kids. I will tell you, set aside a day if you need to upload that many images to a photo sharing site, even on broadband.
Man, I wish I had the guts to do what you are doing. Should be a great learning experience, a lot of fun, and quite profitable.
A former sports shooter
Follow me at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/bjurasz/
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Have fun!
Love those kids.
Ann, that is really fantastic........all the money you will have to buy lenses, the experience, the portfolio........etc.
Let me ask, is this year round? Or do you get time to spend the money and use it for anything but kids,
I will say, Parents do love those photos. The refrigerators your work will be on, the shoeboxes.....oh, think of it. You will be immortal.
I have had an initial response to the effect that they have found volunteers to do all organizing, and are only budgeting $3 less per kid than I had started at. Still okay in terms of margin, if their volunteers really do ALL of the organizing.
I do not yet know how steep the competition is or how soon they will decide.
Will keep you posted.
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So, fingers crossed for a few more weeks.
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