The Shay Challenge - Submit theme ideas
Shay has accepted the challenge!!!
After months of putting Dgrinners to the test with Last Photographer Standing contest, Dgrin Artist in Residence Shay Stephens has accepted a challenge to shoot for theme himself.
He'll have the next two weeks to come up with a stunning image and submit it for critique. No pressure Shay! :wink
We need a theme, post your ideas here and we'll then put them to a vote to choose.
After months of putting Dgrinners to the test with Last Photographer Standing contest, Dgrin Artist in Residence Shay Stephens has accepted a challenge to shoot for theme himself.
He'll have the next two weeks to come up with a stunning image and submit it for critique. No pressure Shay! :wink
We need a theme, post your ideas here and we'll then put them to a vote to choose.
"Bigfoot or Aliens"
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Sensual OR Prudish
Really? Wow. I don't care what he shoots, I just want some time management tips because he obviously has an abundance of it!
You wanted ideas, so here's a few...
Agree or Argue
Amazing or Appalling
Build or Demolish
Contest or Cooperation
Dessert or Desert
Edge or Center
Embellish or Detract
Judge or Be Judged
Nature or Nurture
Power or Weakness
Randomness or Conformity
Stray or Play
Up Up and Away or Dig Down Deep
(or re-use one of the contest themes we've already done to see how Shay compares?)
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
ROTFL ... can't stop ... laughing
I'm looking some up!
Hmmmmmm .... (evil laugh)
How about having him shoot the "Freedom or Oppression" theme? Seems like that was the hardest one for everybody judging by the number of entries.
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"Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)
The Shay prefers this one... Bwahahahahahahaha ©Ulysses
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I just want him to show us all how it is suppose to be done!
How about "Fact or Fiction" or "Animate or Inanimate"
sit or spin
har har
In light of Shay's typically gorgeous and emotion-filled photography, I say you toss him a real challenge: "Boring or dull"
thick or thin
hell or high water
yin or yang
pain or pleasure
convex or concave
Come to think of it, I agree with Joe and Song Titles From 80's Hair Bands.
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"Right-On or Way-Off"
"Black or White"
"Truth or Dare"
Oh, and Erik, since runny liquids flow up down under, you can remove your finger now... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
That was just tooooo funny in my opinion....I'm Dyning Ova Here Charlie!!
"Smug or Mug"
"Digital or Grin"
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Dogs or Kids
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Bummer...these 2 came to my mind:
"Pour Some Sugar On Me" (Hmmmm....maybe a self portrait with boxes of Frosted Flakes?)
"Rock Me Like A Hurricane" (This one stumps me, but I like the title and song!)
film or digital & smugmug
"shay or shay"
But I have to play also:
Sid or Nancy
Normal or Paranormal
Selfish or Altruistic
Inboard or Outboard
Over or Under
Straight-laced or Wild-at-Heart
Active or Vegetative
War or Peace
Alienate or Befriend
and last but not least...
Nikolai or Antonio
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I was thinking the same thing but maybe:
Shy or Shea (as in the butter)
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