Hi there all
Hi there everyone, just thought I would do an introduction.
My name is Steve Amstad, I am from Christchurch, New Zealand - and love photography.
My main interest is aviation photography, but still enjoy taking photos of anything at all really.
I currently use a Nikon D70s
My name is Steve Amstad, I am from Christchurch, New Zealand - and love photography.
My main interest is aviation photography, but still enjoy taking photos of anything at all really.
I currently use a Nikon D70s
Welcome Steve. Hope you join in with some photos soon.
p.s. It's always nice to have another NIKON owner joint us
Total agree - I love the Nikon Cameras - I used to use Canon, now I will never look back ;-)
Is here some kind of cricket worldcup
May i ask what moved you from canon to Nikon ????
My Gallery
I do a lot of aviation photography myself, I'm looking forward to seeing your work. Sorry to see you went over to the dark side, though
good sense?
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots