Looking out my kitchen window
Yesterday, I got up late and was pondering whether to have breakfast or lunch when something flashed by outside the dining room window. I headed to the next window in the direction the flash was traveling.
The good camera (Nikon D-70S) was downstairs so I grabbed the closest thing I could (my Pentax Optio W20) and snapped a couple pics right through the kitchen window.
Here's my favorite shot of the series. I went downstairs to try getting a shot with the good camera (and without the dirty kitchen window's glass in the way) but I spooked it before I could get any shots with the Nikon.

This was taken in Groveland, CA (Pine Mountain Lake) which is about 25 miles northwest of Yosemite. We have lots of these little four legged wonders wandering around (must've been quite a mating season).
The good camera (Nikon D-70S) was downstairs so I grabbed the closest thing I could (my Pentax Optio W20) and snapped a couple pics right through the kitchen window.
Here's my favorite shot of the series. I went downstairs to try getting a shot with the good camera (and without the dirty kitchen window's glass in the way) but I spooked it before I could get any shots with the Nikon.

This was taken in Groveland, CA (Pine Mountain Lake) which is about 25 miles northwest of Yosemite. We have lots of these little four legged wonders wandering around (must've been quite a mating season).
Nice capture.
I saw several young fawns today driving from the local airport to our cabin.
I didn't have anywhere to pull over so no new shots (yet)...