I Sit and Think..How Do I Do It??

How do I make my old sickly:sick website at www.earlstokes.com become my new pimped out :pimp site http://earlstokes.smugmug.com/ But I want to keep the www.earlstokes.com address and not have it as earlstokes.smugmug is this a hosting issue if so what do I do?
As you all know by now you need to speak slowly and clearly with me CUZ I Have no clue what I am doing
As you all know by now you need to speak slowly and clearly with me CUZ I Have no clue what I am doing
Look Up In The Sky, It's A Bird, No A Plane, No A Frog...A Frog? No It's UnderDog!
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com