
red eye removal in ACR

HarlanBearHarlanBear Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
edited August 10, 2007 in Finishing School
For some reason, the red eye tool in Camera Raw doesn't seem to work on jpeg image. In PSCS3 it works fine, but no action at all in ACR. Anyone else have this problem or know what's up?:scratch



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    AnthonyAnthony Registered Users Posts: 149 Major grins
    edited August 9, 2007
    HarlanBear wrote:
    For some reason, the red eye tool in Camera Raw doesn't seem to work on jpeg image. In PSCS3 it works fine, but no action at all in ACR. Anyone else have this problem or know what's up?headscratch.gif


    I know it doesn't help for me to say this, but... it seems to work okay for me on a Jpeg image in ACR4.1 (called from CS3 Bridge on a PC running Vista Ultimate).

    Can you give us a little more detail?

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    HarlanBearHarlanBear Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited August 10, 2007
    Well, ACR 4.1 from Bridge PSCS3, running on PC Windows XP home. Picture from my wife's Canon PowerShot SD300.
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