Locations in Acadia National Park???
I will be spending a evening & Morning in Acadia before moving on the Baxter to photograph Moose. I know this short time is pushing it to capture Acadia, but does anyone have some off the beaten path locations they wouldn't mind sharing?
Thanks shane
Thanks shane
Acadia National Park is very beautiful, so is Bar Harbor. There are two loop roads, you can take after entering the park. You can loop both roads without leaving the park. There is not 1 Particular Place that I would suggest to photograph, Both loops take you from the hills to the coastlines, Drive slow there's a lot to see.
One place you may want to stop is Bass Harber, I took a boat tour out of their. On that tour you'll be able to get photographs of Bear island lighthouse and seals lounging on the rocks close to Cranberry Isles.
John smiley