gallery search

Is there any way to limit a search to a particular gallery? I shoot a lot of road races and marathons, and would like a way to let my viewers enter their race number into the search field and have their photos appear on their screen. The standard smugmug search searches my entire site. Or is there a way to automatically input a prefix such as "mar_07_" into the coding of the search script? Then I could tag my photos with mar_07_(race number) and my customers would only have to enter their race number and the search could go ahead and search my entire web site but only the marathon '07 gallery would have that prefix.
Any help would be appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.
There has been threads about this topic from time to time, but what the user wants varies a bit depending on the type of events the photog shoots.
I did a quick search of came up with this thread, in which the poster appears to be doing gallery level searching.
Hope this helps,
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos