What is feedback for?

Sorry I hafta vent about this......
I've been hot on the trail of some accessories for my 20D.....so I start watching forsale boards around.
I can't afford one NEW so rather than go to ebay so I try to further along a fellow photog....that's what these FORSALE forums are for right? :dunno
Well for the past 3 days I have found an item I was looking for.....3 times I've been wanked around and lost out on this item.
Had the $$$ in paypal and everything......so I got pissed and found something else I was looking for and spent that PP $$$ on it.
So I tapped my paypal.
Now I have CASH for a MO...which I have gone that route MANY times before with no problems.
Bottom line.....
I get "well so and so promised to pay and I didn't get paid.....can you....."
Time after time I get this!!
WHOA hold the phone!!!
I have made it a point to maintain PERFECT FEEDBACK everywhere!
I have bought/sold stuff here at DG...Ebay (351+ all pos) FM......POTN never ever did I get neg feedback.
Then I get BS about comparing me to someone who didn't pay or buy an item!!!??
EXCUSE ME does anyone even bother to check feedback? :scratch
What is feedback for? :scratch
Does it even matter? :dunno
I pride myself in keep good relations with people....it's called a good reputation!
I treat others the way I'd wanna be treated.
Sorry I had to get that off my chest! :soapbox
Am I right or just wasting keystrokes? :rolleyes
I've been hot on the trail of some accessories for my 20D.....so I start watching forsale boards around.
I can't afford one NEW so rather than go to ebay so I try to further along a fellow photog....that's what these FORSALE forums are for right? :dunno
Well for the past 3 days I have found an item I was looking for.....3 times I've been wanked around and lost out on this item.
Had the $$$ in paypal and everything......so I got pissed and found something else I was looking for and spent that PP $$$ on it.
So I tapped my paypal.
Now I have CASH for a MO...which I have gone that route MANY times before with no problems.
Bottom line.....
I get "well so and so promised to pay and I didn't get paid.....can you....."
Time after time I get this!!
WHOA hold the phone!!!
I have made it a point to maintain PERFECT FEEDBACK everywhere!
I have bought/sold stuff here at DG...Ebay (351+ all pos) FM......POTN never ever did I get neg feedback.
Then I get BS about comparing me to someone who didn't pay or buy an item!!!??
EXCUSE ME does anyone even bother to check feedback? :scratch
What is feedback for? :scratch
Does it even matter? :dunno
I pride myself in keep good relations with people....it's called a good reputation!
I treat others the way I'd wanna be treated.
Sorry I had to get that off my chest! :soapbox
Am I right or just wasting keystrokes? :rolleyes
Canon 60D | Nikon Cooloix P7700
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
I had the same type of experience a little while back when I was in dire need of a 2nd 20 body. I scrounged all the boards. Just like you, I have perfect feedback and many references. I've made straight out deals and I've also made a few where I made payments by an agreed arrangement. I tend to think that references and feedback should be more for the seller than the buyer............. except when a deadbeat doesn't pay. Why would I need 5,000 references to buy something when I have cash in hand(or paypal).
4 of 5 20Ds that I inquired about and told they were sold, the seller later contacted me and said their deal fell through. Well too bad, I told you I had $$ right then right there and needed the camera right then, right there. I bought it at B&H used, right then, right there.
If I were selling and someone said they wanted something, I would expect payment right then, right there unless I agreed to something else like payments. I wouldn't waste time waiting and the next person in line would be contacted.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
Sounds VERY familiar!!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW
Of course there are those people that wil not leave feedback for you after you have bent over backwards hooked your heels under your chin and roll around on the floor a bit before going into another contortion to get them what they want the way they want it........
Graphy just gotta let it roll off the shoulders as I do believe that most serious internet buyers have gone thru the exact same thing at some time especially with photo items.....it sucks....I have ben told that I lost bids on BUY IT NOW auctions......how the hells that done I clik BYI and go thru pp it is paid for....then get notified I was a second short of winning........talk about getting pissed or miffed and muffed........dang near reached thru the screen to strangle the seller....OH yeah I was having a Clive Barker / Stephen King Moment there for a few seconds:D
Graphy, I gather you've had a bad experience, but for the life of me, I have no idea (exactly) what you are ranting about.
If something specifically has happened here at dgrin, please send me a PM. Or if you see something in general that needs addressing on this forum, take a deep breath and post constructive criticism here. As always, I'll read it and do what I can to help, or work to make this a better flea market.
have you check FM and PONT buy/sell section yet?
No No......seems some PPL judge many on bad experiances from others.
Which didn't seem fair if there is such a thing as Feedback and the person being judged has all positive.
I blew off.....all better....hope it reminds PPL about feedback and what it's for.
It's a new day!
Manfrotto Mono | Bag- LowePro Slingshot 100AW