
Hot Pixels

firedancing4lifefiredancing4life Registered Users Posts: 550 Major grins
edited August 12, 2007 in Finishing School
I know I can stamp these out...but is there something wrong with my camera? Do I need to contact Canon? It's going to be a year old at the end of this year. I don't there I've noticed this before...only on these long exposure night shots I took in Philly. :dunno Advice? Maybe they are even stars in the sky.

Is it possible that the sensor got damaged in the last year? How do pixels all of a sudden become "hot". I don't even take that many long exposures. My camera has about 6700 clicks.

here are the originals.




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    LovesongLovesong Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    There are several things I would examine before calling Canon. First and foremost, are the hot pixels appearing at the same spots on all your long exposures? If so then the chances that it's a star or glare we're looking at significantly diminish. How clean are your optics? Could this be just dust on the front element (not likely, but you never know). From the looks of it, it does indeed look like hot spots, which occur when you have a pixel die on you. The thing to remember is that there are over 8 million of those little things on your sensor, which means that it is quite possible for one or two them to go over time. This, however, doesn't mean that you have to like it. If the problem is reproduceable, call Canon, and see what they are willing to do for you- their service is impecable.
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    z_28z_28 Registered Users Posts: 956 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    Few hot pixels aren't a problem at all !!
    Maybe few thousand !?
    And counts strongly depend of counting method and reliability.

    Sending camera to Canon with just few hot spots may be waste of time and money only.
    Every camera got them, even one or couple dead pixels aren't big headache.
    D300, D70s, 10.5/2.8, 17-55/2.8, 24-85/2.8-4, 50/1.4, 70-200VR, 70-300VR, 60/2.8, SB800, SB80DX, SD8A, MB-D10 ...
    XTi, G9, 16-35/2.8L, 100-300USM, 70-200/4L, 19-35, 580EX II, CP-E3, 500/8 ...
    DSC-R1, HFL-F32X ... ; AG-DVX100B and stuff ... (I like this 10 years old signature :^)
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