Laos People
I recently took a lonely journey around Laos, in South East Asia. The warm smiles and relax people always brought a smile to my face.
The photos from that trip can be found here:

The photos from that trip can be found here:

Thanks for viewing, comments always welcome 

Can you share more about your trip with us?
Sure! The first photo was taken while sitting on a local bus waiting to make a 7 hour journey through the mountains in the North of the country. I love taking local transport, there's so many kids running around and everyday things that to a foreigner, arn't so everyday. The buses are used as couriers, so along the way we'd be making constant delivers of food, supplies and other random things and people are constantly hoping on and off, and playing at small gambling games whenever they get restless.
The second photo was taken near a small town on the Meekong while I was riding a bicycle around the country side. Laos has such slash and burn agriculture, which is why everything seems so hazy. The third photo of three ladies was taking in the same town (Pak Beng) while they were waiting for a bus. Sadly a Tuk Tuk (three wheeled motorcycle used to transport people, animals and everything else) was in the way so I couldn't get the angle I wanted.
The 4th photo was taken early morning wandering around another small village, this boy was playing with stones while another young monk boy looked on. He was actually sitting on a pile of stones littered with purple flower pedals (I have a photo of them somewhere in the gallery mentioned above).
Thanks for reading once again. All comments and criticism is welcome