First proper b/w conversion (RAW rocks!)

Well, I am now totally sold on RAW, and the latest reason being, today I finally sat down and learned the proper way to convert to b/w, thanks to the tutorial in these pages (D-Grin Rocks, too!). And thanks to RAW (yes, that was me only about a month ago, trying to decide whether I wanted to start shooting RAW ), I was able to take a totally blown out white shirt, and using a couple of layers - one for shirt, one for collar, toning down the highlights in each case - and create an image I am pretty happy with, an image that at first glance I was pretty depressed about. (dark skin + white shirt = big trouble) I am a now total Raw convert.
How does this look, in terms of b/w conversion - am I on the right track?
How does this look, in terms of b/w conversion - am I on the right track?