
Which Photoshop field shows up in Smugmug's caption?

jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
edited August 13, 2007 in Finishing School
If I am editing photos with Bridge CS3/ACR3, which field does Smugmug display as the Smugmug caption? The candidates I see in Bridge are:
  • Headline
  • Description
  • Title
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    jdryan3jdryan3 Registered Users Posts: 1,353 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    jfriend wrote:
    If I am editing photos with Bridge CS3/ACR3, which field does Smugmug display as the Smugmug caption? The candidates I see in Bridge are:
    • Headline
    • Description
    • Title

    Under the gallery customization -> look & feel, there is a radio button (#5) that asks if you want to use the filename for images without captions. Keywords is separate. At least that is how it is on the Pro Account.
    "Don't ask me what I think of you, I might not give the answer that you want me to. Oh well."
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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited August 12, 2007
    jdryan3 wrote:
    Under the gallery customization -> look & feel, there is a radio button (#5) that asks if you want to use the filename for images without captions. Keywords is separate. At least that is how it is on the Pro Account.

    Thanks for trying to help, but this isn't the question I'm asking. I'm asking which IPTC field in Adobe Bridge will be picked up automatically as the image caption if it is set on the image before uploading. I've searched Smugmug's help for quite awhile and can't find this documented anywhere. Since Smugmug calls it caption and Adobe Bridge has no field labeled caption, I'm not sure which IPTC field Smugmug is picking up as the caption. I guess I can do an experiment to figure it out, but I was hoping to find some documentation on it.

    I know about keywords. I know about showing filenames if there is no caption set. Those are different issues.
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    TanukiTanuki Registered Users Posts: 184 Major grins
    edited August 13, 2007
    jfriend wrote:
    Thanks for trying to help, but this isn't the question I'm asking. I'm asking which IPTC field in Adobe Bridge will be picked up automatically as the image caption if it is set on the image before uploading. I've searched Smugmug's help for quite awhile and can't find this documented anywhere. Since Smugmug calls it caption and Adobe Bridge has no field labeled caption, I'm not sure which IPTC field Smugmug is picking up as the caption. I guess I can do an experiment to figure it out, but I was hoping to find some documentation on it.

    I know about keywords. I know about showing filenames if there is no caption set. Those are different issues.

    I know what you're talking about, as it happened to me a couple of years ago by accident when I made a collection in PSE and added captions for slideshow purposes. I didn't realize at the time that the captions get written in the into the Exif. I was quite surprised to find that the PSE captions were showing up in Smugmug when I uploaded the photos. When I realized this I deleted the captions and never used them again.

    Unfortunately I can't remember what part of the Exif was storing the PSE captions. I would suggest that you conduct a simple experiment to find out. Make an extra copy of a JPEG just to test with (so you don't mess up your original), and fill out all the EXIF fields. To make it simple, enter the field name for each EXIF field. I.e., type "headline" in the headline field, type "Description" in the description field, etc. Then, when you upload this test case into Smugmug, you'll see the answer to your question right under the photo.

    Post the answer if you figure it out.

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    jfriendjfriend Registered Users Posts: 8,097 Major grins
    edited August 13, 2007
    jfriend wrote:
    If I am editing photos with Bridge CS3/ACR3, which field does Smugmug display as the Smugmug caption? The candidates I see in Bridge are:
    • Headline
    • Description
    • Title

    Resolved by experiment. The answer is: the field labeled "Description" in Adobe Bridge is what shows up as the caption in Smugmug.
    JFriend's javascript customizationsSecrets for getting fast answers on Dgrin
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