Please help me narrow these down

Please let me know which is your favorite of these four. C&C welcome. I do have one or two other possibilities that I hope to poll again in a couple of days, but I would like to narrow these down first. I REALLY appreciate your help!!! :lust
Sunset Over Seattle I

Sunset Over Seattle II

The Emerald City - Twilight

The Emerald City - Night
Sunset Over Seattle I

Sunset Over Seattle II

The Emerald City - Twilight

The Emerald City - Night

Please pick your favorite 24 votes
Sunset Over Seatte I
1 vote
Sunset Over Seattle II
13 votes
The Emerald City - Twilight
0 votes
The Emerald City - Night
10 votes
Sunset Over Seattle I
Very nice! Columbia tower is lost behind the Space Needle though. Mt Raineer is really hazed out... but that is difficult to get a clear shot of from that distance.
Sunset Over Seattle II
Much better (the one I voted for) Columbia Tower is still dwarfed optically and hidden by the Space Needle. Mt Raineer came out much better though. Too bad the three arches behind the Key Arena are not as destinguised as they are in the night photos.
The Emerald City - Twilight
Nice, but not as good as the rest.
The Emerald City - Night
This was a hard one... beautiful shot... What I would love to see is the focus being very similiar to the one I voted on, but manuevering a hair to the right so as to have the Columbia Tower free of the clutches of the Space Needle. I love how the three arches glow vibrantly behind the Key Arena though.
Brill photos, I am just nitpickin though!
That said, I also really like #4 because it's a beautiful night shot. The reason I didn't vote for it was the crop/composition. Having the Space Needle dead center makes be feel unsettled. Plus, the bright red lights on the lower right and lower left keep pulling focus. Also, the hint of Mt. Ranier off to the right is almost too faint.
Like the Night shot also, but the trees make it seem like there are holes in the photo and I would probably clone out the MT. totally since it does not make a big impact here, also the needle is a bit centered, so I would try recropping.
Just my thoughts..
Thanks again!!