Seeing Stripes...
I'm so sick of looking at stripes I'm going crossed eyed. :rolleyes Okay guys, I need some help in choosing which picture stands out the most(if any). I can't get a reshoot but I have the originals so I can re-edit.
1. I love the colors in this one...

2. Put in black and white with a bump in contrast.

3. A 'sunburned' look although this was her true color, I believe she was a yearling.

4. I love the composition...lines lead to the eye. B/w of the one above...look close the eye is in color-probably my fave of them all.

Thanks for any help! I appreciate it!!
1. I love the colors in this one...

2. Put in black and white with a bump in contrast.

3. A 'sunburned' look although this was her true color, I believe she was a yearling.

4. I love the composition...lines lead to the eye. B/w of the one above...look close the eye is in color-probably my fave of them all.

Thanks for any help! I appreciate it!!
Comments The Photo Section / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Hey Hey, Equidae.. Zebras are brown and black as yutes... sometimes also the pink skin shows through the brown hair, especially when they're losing the brown to the white......
#4 to me because the eye is accentuated by the back of the horse.... due to the angle of view... / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
This summer's wilderness photography project:
Hate to be a flip-flopper...but after looking at this again...and after reading Hoof's comments, I'm changing my preference to #4. :ps
very cool contrasts