Yet another whose SS won't display (3 questions)

neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
I have read darn near every post trying to self-medicate my problem here... I've cut/pasted/added/deleted... I know there is SOME little something I'm missing.... My SS will not display. :scratchMy site is:
Could someone take a look at my setup, I would be THRILLED to receive your advice/help!!!!

Allen, I "borrowed" some code you posted for an "about me" page. Worked like a charm.:clap One question - how can I get my "about me" text to be on the rh side, and my photo on the LH side? With the orientation of my image, I don't want the text on the bottom - there's too much "empty" space left up top, on the right. It doesn't look right.

Last but not least... question number three: (I feel sooooo dumb) I am trying to remove the "THEME" from my homepage (looks like it's SAND) - and can't get that to "go away" - can someone tell me what obvious step I'm missing? In customize, I've changed it to "default" - but i can't get the darn homepage to change. Advice?

Thanks in advance for your help!!!!:bow

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  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    neens_wa wrote:
    I have read darn near every post trying to self-medicate my problem here... I've cut/pasted/added/deleted... I know there is SOME little something I'm missing.... My SS will not display. <img src="; border="0" alt="" >My site is:
    Could someone take a look at my setup, I would be THRILLED to receive your advice/help!!!!

    Allen, I "borrowed" some code you posted for an "about me" page. Worked like a charm.<img src="; border="0" alt="" > One question - how can I get my "about me" text to be on the rh side, and my photo on the LH side? With the orientation of my image, I don't want the text on the bottom - there's too much "empty" space left up top, on the right. It doesn't look right.

    Last but not least... question number three: (I feel sooooo dumb) I am trying to remove the "THEME" from my homepage (looks like it's SAND) - and can't get that to "go away" - can someone tell me what obvious step I'm missing? In customize, I've changed it to "default" - but i can't get the darn homepage to change. Advice?

    Thanks in advance for your help!!!!<img src="; border="0" alt="" >

    Found this in your footer code.

    change this
    firstSlideURL = "";

    to this
    slideshowUrl = "";

    remove the ' and add the ;
    slideDuration = 5' ;

    remove the spaces from this

    < / script >

    add the ; behind this

    <img src="; border="0" alt="" > Don't see anything in your "about me" gallery. If you have two divs, img
    and text. List the img first before the text div in the description. Then use
    the CSS to position each. If you enter your stuff in the description box we
    could help.

    I'm also confused, how does someone say apply no theme to a page. In the
    theme drop there's no selection for "none".
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    Thank you Allen! I made the changes to my footer code, as directed. Still no doggone slideshow. <sigh> Thoughts?<img src="; border="0" alt="" >

    On the about me page, I didn't want a gallery of sorts, but more just a place folks could click to have some form of an introduction. When I click on my "about me" gallery or nav bar button, I have an image and paragraphs of text - but no "gallery images. This is ok - I didn't intend for there to be gallery images in here, I only want my "about me" text. I will do some digging to see if I can't align that image and text. (I must've gotten drunk some time and made a wish to learn CSS... <img src="; border="0" alt="" >)

    Holy smokes! <img src="; border="0" alt="" > Somehow/somewhere in all my attempts to fix thing, I've managed to remove all the (*&^*&@^*&amp;6 gallery images on the home page.

    For the "theme" discussion, my apologies for not clarifying. I need to remove any theme that is displaying on my homepage. I cannot figure out how to accomplish this task - I'd like it to simply be the same color as the background on my gallery pages. Last year, I was smart enough to change it... apparently I am digressing with old age. Today, as a last ditch effort, through my control panel, in organize & customize, I'd chosen DEFAULT as my theme to apply to all pages not set as a theme. When my homepage did not change, I assumed there MUST be a theme applied (somewhere!), and it looks like it was the SAND theme - but I can NOT figure out how to change that homepage and have just a solid color background.

    I played hookie from work, and bought a headfirst into HTML book <img src="; border="0" alt="" >, I'm going back for a #&*^@*&amp;% CSS book this afternoon. I hate not knowing what I'm doing. <img src="; border="0" alt="" >


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  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    neens_wa wrote:
    Holy smokes! <img src="; border="0" alt="" > Somehow/somewhere in all my attempts to fix thing, I've managed to remove all the (*&^*&@^*&amp;6 gallery images on the home page.
    You have an error in your bio.
    Find this < /div> and remove the space after the <
    Why your slideshow is not running.

    This is it with the space.
    <div id="mySlideshow">< /div>

    without space
    <div id="mySlideshow"></div>

    The rest of your page is acting like your bio because the div is not closed
    and this

    #bioBox .photo {
    display: none;

    is turning off all the photos below bio on the homepage.

    BTW, you have two sets of these

    #bioBox {
    text-align: center;
    background: none;

    #bioBox .photo {
    display: none;
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    Thanks, Allen! I have my images displaying for the galleries now, and removed the duplicates you pointed out. :ivar Thank you!

    As for removing the space < /div> as you directed - I'm unable to access the bio box. It's strange.

    My bio box is one box, with a horizonal line across, dividing the box into two halves horizonally. (when I'm logged on, this is how it appears to me):
    The top half has "your bio|edit" (where edit is a link you click)
    the bottom half has a photo I put in there long ago, and I see the offending < /div> and my Welcome to blah blah blah.... text.

    When I click on EDIT, the "edit" link in the box vanishes, but the your bio text remains. And, adding insult to injury, the lower box compresses, forcing the thumbnail in the lower box to hang out of the frame.

    If I press f5 to refresh the page, the edit link returns, but if I click on it, i start the viscious circle again. <img src="; border="0" alt="" > ARGH!

    How many more quarters do I need to feed the machine?

    Thanks in advance!

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  • neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    Wahooo - I fixed my bio box!!

    I still cannot get my slideshow going. Am I cursed?!?!?!?! :O)
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  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    neens_wa wrote:
    Wahooo - I fixed my bio box!!

    I still cannot get my slideshow going. Am I cursed?!?!?!?! :O)
    Remove this from your bio

    <div id="mySlideshow"></div><br>

    You have this in your footer code.

    slideshowContainerId = "bioBox";
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    Ok - I removed the <div id="mySlideshow"></div><br> line from my bio as instructed.

    Your next comment was:
    Allen wrote:
    You have this in your footer code.
    slideshowContainerId = "

    Pardon my ignorance, but I am not sure what needs to be done with this... I have gone back to the base instructions from Andy's thread, and it lists that line as a required entry in the footer.

    Reading the instructions, I see to have the slideshow present in my bio box, I actually need to have slideshowContainerID = "bioBox" in my footer.

    It also says to place an empty div in the description (which I did, but guess what... still no slideshow).

    I followed your instructions, I followed Andy's instructions, and I'm halfway through the myriad posts in that thread in hopes I can find an answer - but so far, nothing.

    I'm prepared to hang through to the bitter end if you're willing to keep on keepin' on...

    Right now, the containerId line is back in the footer, and there is no div in the bio box.

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  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    neens_wa wrote:
    Ok - I removed the <div id="mySlideshow"></div><br> line from my bio as instructed.

    Your next comment was:

    Pardon my ignorance, but I am not sure what needs to be done with this... I have gone back to the base instructions from Andy's thread, and it lists that line as a required entry in the footer.

    Reading the instructions, I see to have the slideshow present in my bio box, I actually need to have slideshowContainerID = "bioBox" in my footer.

    It also says to place an empty div in the description (which I did, but guess what... still no slideshow).

    I followed your instructions, I followed Andy's instructions, and I'm halfway through the myriad posts in that thread in hopes I can find an answer - but so far, nothing.

    I'm prepared to hang through to the bitter end if you're willing to keep on keepin' on...

    Right now, the containerId line is back in the footer, and there is no div in the bio box.

    You had placed a div called my slideshow in your bio but the code in your
    footer actually defined the slideshow container "bioBox".
    slideshowContainerId = " bioBox";
    This will replace you bio with the slideshow. All you need in your bio is some
    text which you had so it should have run.

    You can also place the slideshow anywhere in html, examples are footer,
    header, bioBox, gallery description. Then in the footer slideshow code you
    would name the container something like "mySlideshow". Now you have to
    place it somewhere like in your footer <div id="mySlideshow"></div>.

    This is probably why it's not running. You have a space in this in your
    sidleshow footer code.

    </ script>

    Remove the space and i suspect it will run.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    I'm terrified to try a slideshow anywhere BUT the bio box right now... <img src="; border="0" alt="" >
    I did remove the stuff from biobox descr - leaving SOME plain ol' text in it...

    I have slideshowContainerId = "bioBox";
    and removed the space from the < / script > as directed.

    dare I tell you?

    It ain't running. <img src="; border="0" alt="" >

    neens (who is embarrassed to even respond now..)
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  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    In your slideshow footer code you have a ( and not a { below, see red.

    if (YD.hasClass (document.body,'homepage') &&
    !YD.hasClass (document.body,'galleries')) (

    Should be like this.

    if (YD.hasClass (document.body,'homepage') &&
    !YD.hasClass (document.body,'galleries')) {
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
  • neens_waneens_wa Registered Users Posts: 32 Big grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    OMG... it ... it.....

    IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thank you SO very much!!!!!

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  • AllenAllen Registered Users Posts: 10,016 Major grins
    edited August 17, 2007
    neens_wa wrote:
    OMG... it ... it.....

    IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thank you SO very much!!!!!

    thumb.gif Great, took a little bit but finally got there.
    Al - Just a volunteer here having fun
    My Website index | My Blog
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