
Photos from Paris, France

Ted SzukalskiTed Szukalski Registered Users Posts: 1,079 Major grins
edited August 19, 2007 in Landscapes
France, Paris, Conciergerie Full image here: http://www.digital-photo.com.au/v/Landscapes/Europe/France/France-Paris-Conciergerie-101_7712-Web.jpg.html

Here is the gallery of my recent photos I took in Paris: Gallery with 24 photos (and still processing):

I have visited 7 countries in 5 weeks and there are many more photos to come. Mind you we had a lousy weather so the opportunities were not as plentiful as I was hoping for. Paris for example gave us only 12C and rain.

Visit my photo blog: http://www.digital-photo.com.au/
Ted Szukalski


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