Search Pics Collect 1 Gallery
Here's a question . So I've got pics all over my site in galleries named for dates taken ; I want to collect all the photos of one particular subject into one gallery under that subject's name while leaving a copy of each pic I move into the new single gallery in its' original gallery titled by date taken.
I have a " Power " account.
Now, I use my Search capacity ( someone at smugMug sent me a script for this ) and find all the pics of this one subject, SmugMug displays them all together on one page. But... each time I select a photo , it displays from the gallery it's in - not from the search collection. Then , I make a copy of the photo I'm going to move into its' new gallery - because It seems as if it " moves " that pic to the new gallery - there's no " coppy to " option. Then , when I select " move photo " from " customize photo " it will display all the photos in the gallery that photo is in - again not from the search found collection of only that subject. I must hunt through that gallery collection for the twin pics ( remember , I made a copy of pics I want to move ) , select pics, select gallery and move.
Isn't there another way ? Use " search " to find all pics of subject, Select all or many of the ones I want to collect into their own gallery, select some kind of option : " Copy To... " etc ? presto changoe voila !
Any thoughts. I have lost the originals that were on my hard drive ( lightning ) or I'd just do it that way .
Marty ( photofur on SmugMug )
I have a " Power " account.
Now, I use my Search capacity ( someone at smugMug sent me a script for this ) and find all the pics of this one subject, SmugMug displays them all together on one page. But... each time I select a photo , it displays from the gallery it's in - not from the search collection. Then , I make a copy of the photo I'm going to move into its' new gallery - because It seems as if it " moves " that pic to the new gallery - there's no " coppy to " option. Then , when I select " move photo " from " customize photo " it will display all the photos in the gallery that photo is in - again not from the search found collection of only that subject. I must hunt through that gallery collection for the twin pics ( remember , I made a copy of pics I want to move ) , select pics, select gallery and move.
Isn't there another way ? Use " search " to find all pics of subject, Select all or many of the ones I want to collect into their own gallery, select some kind of option : " Copy To... " etc ? presto changoe voila !
Any thoughts. I have lost the originals that were on my hard drive ( lightning ) or I'd just do it that way .
Marty ( photofur on SmugMug )
I hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks RainForest.
Problem is : I'm trying to find all the photos of a certain kind ( dog ) in order to give them keywords. As opposed to -say- going one by one through all my ( thousands ) photos and keywording them. Then, yea, this would be no problem. What I'm looking for is a way to search my site ( can do ) , then select all the pics listed with that one dog's name , and click somewhere an option like " transfer a copy of all to " some other folder ( catagory, gallery ) on my site. - leaving the originals where they were.
Thanks again, I had just given up.
Marty ( Photofur on SmugMug )