Battery for Canon XT
Is this the correct battery for Canon Rebel XT? I typed the name in google and some prices come up with $9.99 and up. I was wondering whats the difference when Canon's site is $70
Is this the correct battery for Canon Rebel XT? I typed the name in google and some prices come up with $9.99 and up. I was wondering whats the difference when Canon's site is $70
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
You get 2 batterys for $13 USD inc postege.
Ive bought from this seller numerous times. Great prices. They sell Insten batteries. I love em. Buy em! Buy em now!!
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
Where did you hear this ?
But... rest assured, a lot of us has used batteries that were not supplied to us by Canon and worked just as well, if not better than the normal ones from them.
From our experience, its def. worth the risk buying these Ebay batteries versus paying 3-4 times for for a normal Canon one.(which at sometimes may be weaker in overall charge capacity)
I highly doubt it will blow up on you, but thats from my own experience. I would def. go with these Ebay ones or at the least, order SterlingTek ones from online retailers if you do not wish in ordering from Ebay. They're the choice of most of the people here for aftermarket batteries.
Wish you all the luck!
The NB-2L will also work, but provide shorter life. Both batteries will work in each other's chargers.
I heard this from a couple people on another forum I used to go to. It have been an year ago since I heard it and not sure what forum it was that I heard it at. So I really can't point you to an direction. Sorry. =/
Thanks for you all opinions and I will look on Ebay. I know that using any type of battery, no one can guarantee it will not explode.
Thanks a lot
"Unexpected actions speak louder than words."
Honestly...worry about changing a car tyre on a busy freeway, that is an everyday part of life that can easily get you 6 foot under.
Camera batterys ...just drop 'em in & go about your business.