On the beach with Sandpipers
Spent a few days last week out on the ocean shores of Washington, looking for some interesting birds. The weather wasn't all that cooperative, but I did find a few Sandpipers.


"Osprey Whisperer"
Actually, not. These were all shot out the window of my truck at some distance with a 500 mm lens. It gives the illusion of being down and low. Hey, I can't crawl around in the sand anymore. When you're young and spry you never give it a second thought, but then you're looking for something totally different than birds during all of that crawling.
Thanks for taking a look.
"Natura artis magistra"
Tough colors...very good details and DOF.
Thanks for taking a look and your comments.
Thanks Dave, I appreciate it.
Thanks Stephen, I appreciate your commenting.
I know, my sense of humor is weird!
I live on the coast -- occasionally the flat light can be an advantage as it was for the sandpipers.
Thanks Dee. To be honest I wasn't all that happy with these shots, when I took them I thought that they'd be OK, but...
I have the hardest time with getting some decent results when shooting snadpipers etc on the beach, I just have never been able to really nail the exposure and or WB during the shoot. Maybe you can give me a pointer or two if you shoot on the beach very often.
A pointer or two? I'm sorry, but I'm...
I don't have a long enough lens to get these little guys, and I just love watching them!
I think you need to give me some pointers!
I find the white balance difficult, especially on overcast days. I try to shoot in raw now, so I can play with the color temperature. Where I live on the "slightly foggy" days, the sun is in and out of the fog so often, it's not even worth attempting to set a custom white balance.
To me the color of the sand looked real... so I think you did a good job.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
Some Canon stuff
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Your exposure on these shots are good! I would maybe adjust the levels a bit to give a little more contrast. When shooting on a beach on an overcast day the lighting is going to be even. Adding some flash wouldn't hurt either as it would make the eyes pop more.
My website | NANPA Member
Thanks Harv. I've sure got a lot to learn about shooting these guys on the beach though. I don't know about anyone else but I find it a real challenge to get a beach shot of sandpipers to really pop. Seems like they are always moving, even when they are standing still, always bobbing and weaving.
Nice job keeping them large in the frame so one is able to appreciate the beautiful detail in these little guys.