Pease Air Show, Portsmouth, NH.

dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
edited August 21, 2007 in Other Cool Shots
Some shots from this past Saturday, Pease Air Show, Portsmouth, NH.

Jim Parker Salto H101 Sailplane


Legacy Formation / F-18/F4U


B2 Flyover


  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    B2 Flyover

  • DJ-S1DJ-S1 Registered Users Posts: 2,303 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Nice, I really like the lighting under the B-2. This reminds me that the Cape Cod air show is this weekend. I'm going to have to work really hard to get the wife to let my son and me go!
  • SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    dugmar wrote:
    B2 Flyover

    This is my favourite out of the three shots posted.
    No matter how many times I see photos of the B2,
    still looks like a space ship to me nod.gif

    Nice work dugmar............ Skippy :D
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"


    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
  • salazarsalazar Registered Users Posts: 392 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    All great shots. #1 is the most interesting to my eye but #3 has the most initial surprise value, I still don't think B2's look like thay should be able to fly...
    Please feel free to retouch and repost my images. Critique, Suggestions, and Technique tips always welcomed. Thanks for your interest.
  • BBiggsBBiggs Registered Users Posts: 688 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    salazar wrote:
    All great shots. #1 is the most interesting to my eye but #3 has the most initial surprise value, I still don't think B2's look like thay should be able to fly...

    Without computers there is no way that thing could :D The B2 shot is awesome! You captured it at a very good angle! Nice timming on your part. I missed out on an chance to go to an airshow this summer but hope to go in the spring:cry Dang college classeseek7.gif . I would be interested in seeing the B2 in B/W.
  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Cool Machines and photos 1st one is interesting
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

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  • ZeeZee Registered Users Posts: 98 Big grins
    edited August 21, 2007
    Love the clouds and the smoke from the wing tips in #1. Very cool! thumb.gif
  • StravStrav Registered Users Posts: 69 Big grins
    edited August 21, 2007
    Like them all - particularly #1. Lens? mwink.gif Which one?
  • dugmardugmar Registered Users Posts: 756 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2007
    Strav wrote:
    Like them all - particularly #1. Lens? mwink.gif Which one?

    70-200 L F4
  • DaddyODaddyO Registered Users Posts: 4,466 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2007
    All are really nice shots. Sharp. Great lighting you got. I'm super drawn to the sailplane shot. Turning in front of the clouds like that, with smoke on, it looks awesome. thumb.gif Wish I would gotten quality shots like this at the Baker City Oregon Airshow. Small venue but fun none the less. Sailplane pilot there, Manfred Radius, flew at night burning sparklers at the wing tips. Beautiful to watch and interesting to photograph. Micahael
  • mercphotomercphoto Registered Users Posts: 4,550 Major grins
    edited August 21, 2007
    Very cool sail plane. Very cool B2. But on that second photo you really, really need a slower shutter speed. Try about 1/125 or 1/150 tops to get some blur in that propellor. Frozen propellers like that just look odd.

    This P40 was shot at 1/125, 200mm with 1.4TC, Canon 20D:
    Bill Jurasz - Mercury Photography - Cedar Park, TX
    A former sports shooter
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