
LPS SF2: My Selections and Critiques

TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
edited August 20, 2007 in The Dgrin Challenges
I thought coming up with a photo for a contest was difficult but it was nothing compared to judging a round. Every entry was worthy and since it was an open subject, there was no "did not make the theme" to fall back on, making the job even more difficult. I will highly recommend to anyone invited to judge to definitely do so. Having to critique others work, makes you see your own in a new light. Just don't be fool enough to do it more than once! :-)

Now for the disclaimer: My decisions were based on what I felt when I viewed each image. As hard as it was, I stayed away from all of the "polls", the unofficial judging, and any other entry that could possibly alter my perceptions. Take the critiques with a grain of salt. They aren't critiques as much as they were my thoughts as I tried to narrow down the field. It was a struggle to get down to the final selections. There were some entries that were technically sound but didn't stir an emotion and others that may not have been perfect but drew me back time and again to review them. So here they are.....


2_When the Day Ends_Sherston
Pretty scene but my eye is drawn more to the murky blue expanse on the lefthand side of the photo. It looks like the overall scene should be warm but it feels very cold.

3_Caribbean Amphibian_Greenesquared
Good closeup of the frog with DOF drawing the point of focus to its eyes. The purple background is a great contrast to the yellow without distracting my eyes from the main subject.

4_Pride of Workmanship_shatch
Very creative idea. The image feels like a composite but after passing it through the loupe several times, I can't tell so either it is a heck of a job PP or just an incredible job of capturing that much depth while firing a flash. The foreground lighting appears to be a stop too bright if the intent is to go for a natural look since the mountain range is backlit.

Technically great. I'd love to see you write tutorial on how this shot was created. I am conflicted on the message. The background is frantic while the man looks as though he's listening to Marvin Gaye. If the intent is to show a man at peace in a hectic world, then the the image nailed it; however, judging by the title, he is supposed to have the same energy as the background and I just don't feel it.

6_Chicken of the Sea_Tentacion
This is one of those photos that drew me in and held my attention. My initial reaction was that it was a soft photo of a model. A second later the mermaid caught me and feeling transitioned to surreal. The soft focus, contrasting colors (soft blues against the saturated yellows and reds), and detail really tie together the fantasy. This shot probably will not appeal to everyone but to me it is one of the more creative entries.

My first impression is that this photo would make a Tommy Hilfiger ad. Everything seems right about it. It would be nice to cleanup some of the spots in gray part of the water but not entirely necessary. The subject, though, just doesn't put it in my top ten.

8_Make a Move_kingmamof2
Okay, this is definitely going to sound picky, but the eye is too centered horizontally. The exposure is dead-on but everytime I look at it, I think "man, why isn't the eye closer to the right?"

The light at the end of the proverbial tunnel. The only thing is that I look at at it and think of a long passage to Dante's inferno. I think if the tunnel walls were darker, I would feel more like I was moving from anguish to hope.

10_Sunset Over Seattle II_fashiznitsngrins
Nice cityscape with the contradiction of man-made mountains verses the natural volcano in the background offset on opposite sides of the composition. You can tell the image was captured during the sweet light. I'm afraid the image suffers from mother nature (or psossibly man-made smog) that mutes the pop it desperately needs. Going back to my magazine references, I can see this appearing in a National Geographic article illustrating the city's growth but not making the top ten in an open contest.

11_My Reflections Better Than Yours_peterst6906
When all is said and done and I turn in my picks, I'm definitely going to read your diary thread to find out how you derived at this image. It is a very lovely image. Two things that I struggle with... 1. the horizon line splits the image in the middle (while rules should be broken on occassion, in this case the vertical nature of the image causes the eye to travel to far up and down to take it all in) and 2. the vanishing point to the right needs filling. I wonder if both could be perfected by lowering the camera perspective to bring the foreground duck up to fill empty space if at all possible.

12_Writers Block_quark
I really like this portrait. I'd like to see it cropped a little tighter to cut back on some of the black space at the top. Also, the sunglasses take away from the perceived frustration. I think it would be more emotional without the glasses and his eyes closed. Aside from that, excellent use of light.

13_Beautiful Dreamer_Indiegirl
This is one of those instances that the title is misleading to me. I don't see "dreaming". Her eyes and expression look more furtive. Forgetting the title, her eyes hit too high in the frame for my tastes and their is a blue cast (I actually looked at this image on 2 different computers to make sure it wasn't my monitor).

14_Sea Breeze_LiquidAir
One of my my favorite images (personal bias showing through)... This photo would benefit from some added PP. Lighting the foreground a bit more (not too much to maintain the mood) while protecting the highlights in the background and increasing the saturation to give it more pop.

15_Bit By Bit_HoofClix
I could definitely see this getting the abstract award but I don't know where to focus. It probably doesn't help that I'm not sure what it is that I'm looking at. I like the interesting play of silver and brass (which could probably benefit even more by moving the background to pure black). Without a central point of focus, though, I'm sure I'm missing the message.

16_Poseidons Crown_pyroPrints
Believe it or not, the colors are a drawback to me. The capture is excellent but the overall image just doesn't work for me.

17_Two Hearts_Nikolai
Touching shot with a great composition. A little too dark but it would be difficult to lighten it without blowing out the highlights. Very nice. I'm not sure about originality since it appears to be a shot that many wedding photographers would use but I'm not a wedding photographer so I'll credit the thought.

18_Coming Home_annnna8888
Classic sunset capture. The horizontal separation is the primary drawback. It would be more engaging if the horizon line was moved up in the frame. It would change the perspective (at least the perception) that the people were travelling toward the sun as opposed to the sun just hanging above them. Hopefully that makes sense...

19_Who's Behind the Door_imax
The mail workers in your neighborhood must be scared to death. It is a haunting image but I would like it to see the light part be a bit brighter and the eye needs to be razor sharp. Hard to avoid but the dark area of the image is really noisy.

20_Wish Upon a Dandy_vandana
I have absolutely nothing. This image is fantastic.

21_Toe Squishing the Marmalade Sand_Saurora
Nice image. You did a great job capturing the detail without blowing out the lights on the pier or the sun. I also like the composition. I can't put my finger on it but the overall image is missing something to me. So much for being a helpful critique.

22_Broken Yet Beautiful_Debboggy
This is a very good entry. The butterfly seems a bit soft. It is another photo where if the primary subject was very sharp, it would really pop.

23_Do Not Feed the Animals_JFreeman
Technically right on; however, the subject just doesn't move me compared to many of the other entries.

A beautiful example using lines to guide the viewers eye on a journey. I really like the colors, contrast, and feel. I know that it must be a "cold" place but it comes off as warm and inviting. The only thing that I am having trouble with is the beam of light. I hope I'm not wrong but it looks too opaque and narrow to be real. The light streaming from the window is softer and toward the photographer and the beam seems to be cutting across it and much harsher.

25_Synchronous Flight_drdane
How many sardines did it take to get them together? The photo is nicely done from the diagonal line bottom-left to upper-right that connects the eyes to sharpness and repetition.

26_Land of the Quinault I_seastack
Beautiful. With the number of waterfall photos created by everyone near a mountain, it takes a lot to make one standout. Good job.

27_The Perfect Street_Pat664422
Oddly enough, I typically am not really interested in photos like this but I really like this one.

I think this image would have worked better in 10x4 crop, cutting the light area above the cloud and the dark area at the bottom of the image out.

29_The Path Last Traveled_GREAPER
Another great use of lines in the composition. I want to know what runs beneath the bridge and what lies on the other side. I'd definitely rather be there than sitting at my desk today. Great image.

30_Dawn Of A New Day_Xia Ke
If this photo stopped at the foreground or if the background contained something of interest, it would be a contender; however, the empty open sky and lifeless ocean detracts from the overall composition.

31_Window Pain_VisualXpressions
Nice idea. If it wasn't for the dark reflection in bottom 2 panes, I would really like it.

32_Black Sands_f00sion
Similar to 28-Painted, I think this image could benfit from a different crop to get rid of all of the empty dark space in the bottom right.

Another image that could benefit from a more panaromic crop. The empty space at the top is bothersome. There also seems to be a gray colorcast that doesn't compliment the bright colors of the sails.

34_Oh Thats Gonna Hurt_stuffjunkie
Excellent action shot. The horizon line feels crooked but everything else looks good.

35_Caught by Surprise_McGyver
I'm actually not one of the anti-children/anti-pet members on this board. I think this image is adorable. I think some selective fill lighting on her face and forearm would help really bring out the detail of water rushing off of face because it is kind of lost in the shadow.

Excellent capture.

37_Warp Speed_Shamguess
I'm going to make the assumption that you used a motion blur filter. If so, I would like to see this image without it. The problem with the MB filter is that it looks fake with objects coming at you or moving away from you. The trails move side-to-side unnaturally. Of course if you didn't use a filter and this effect somehow happened then I blew this one because everything else looks awesome.


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    urbanariesurbanaries Registered Users Posts: 2,690 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Technically great. I'd love to see you write tutorial on how this shot was created. I am conflicted on the message. The background is frantic while the man looks as though he's listening to Marvin Gaye. If the intent is to show a man at peace in a hectic world, then the the image nailed it; however, judging by the title, he is supposed to have the same energy as the background and I just don't feel it.

    Although the sting of regret is sharp (you loved the image but the title ruined it! :uhoh, this is an extremely helpful critique. I should have been more thoughtful about the relationship of the title and the message. Indeed, the whole concept was finding peace in a chaotic world.

    [and referencing the title it was probably Bob Marley, not Marvin Gaye....but close!]

    Thanks Travis for the thoughtful crit.
    Canon 5D MkI
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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Thank you for taking the time to provide your thoughts on the entire crop! thumb.gif

    My only concern is: your composite refers not the image that I submitted (post #17), but to its initial version :-(
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis wrote:
    My first impression is that this photo would make a Tommy Hilfiger ad. Everything seems right about it. It would be nice to cleanup some of the spots in gray part of the water but not entirely necessary. The subject, though, just doesn't put it in my top ten.

    I debated whether to remove the spots in the water and some of the bits of Styrofoam on the blue seat - ultimately I did and reposted a few hours before the close… I also muted the watermark along with a couple of other very minor “tweeks”. These changes may have gone unnoticed if one were not looking at the image posted at the close of the round. Another member mentioned the black water - it was very nearly that black in the RAW file. I understand that the subject didn’t do it for you though…that’s cool (but disappointing) – I’m afraid I have a bit of an abstract bent at times. Travis, thanks so much for your time and effort in judging and congrat’s to those you selected - a very deserving bunch!

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    pyroPrints.compyroPrints.com Registered Users Posts: 1,383 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    urbanaries wrote:
    Although the sting of regret is sharp (you loved the image but the title ruined it! :uhoh, this is an extremely helpful critique. I should have been more thoughtful about the relationship of the title and the message. Indeed, the whole concept was finding peace in a chaotic world.

    [and referencing the title it was probably Bob Marley, not Marvin Gaye....but close!]

    Thanks Travis for the thoughtful crit.

    UA, if it helps any, my definition of Jammin' fits very well with this picture. Jammin' isn't a bout energy, it's about relaxin to some tunes, and bobin' your head to the beat. just my 2 cents.
    pyroPrints.com (my little t-shirt shop)
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    pyroPrints.compyroPrints.com Registered Users Posts: 1,383 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis wrote:
    16_Poseidons Crown_pyroPrints
    Believe it or not, the colors are a drawback to me. The capture is excellent but the overall image just doesn't work for me.

    Can't float everyone's boat I suppose. To literaly translate a russian saying: "About taste or color, you've got no comrades." :D
    pyroPrints.com (my little t-shirt shop)
    pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
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    TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Nik and Paul
    I downloaded the posts Sunday morning and didn't update file this morning. Just FYI, I did revisit all of the photos in the DGRIN thread today to make sure I there was anything that would significantly change my view. Nik, I liked both photos equally.

    Paul, I should have updated my comments - I forgot I put the "cleanup spots" message in there. I really did like it (just too many pulled me also). For what its worth, I had dinner at with my parents last night and my mom loved it. mwink.gif
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    DebboggyDebboggy Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    22_Broken Yet Beautiful_Debboggy
    This is a very good entry. The butterfly seems a bit soft. It is another photo where if the primary subject was very sharp, it would really pop.

    Thank you Travis, but um, I pulled this entry at the last minute just before the deadline and traded it with a different one. Not that either entry was great (or even good), but this makes me wonder if the judges actually see the final versions myself or other entrants post. I know a lot of time people seem to update with better cropping, coloration, etc. before the deadline. For entries where it makes a difference (ones that stand a chance of placing) I'd hate to see them loose out because judging happened before the cut off time.
    Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
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    TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Debboggy wrote:
    22_Broken Yet Beautiful_Debboggy
    This is a very good entry. The butterfly seems a bit soft. It is another photo where if the primary subject was very sharp, it would really pop.

    Thank you Travis, but um, I pulled this entry at the last minute just before the deadline and traded it with a different one. Not that either entry was great (or even good), but this makes me wonder if the judges actually see the final versions myself or other entrants post. I know a lot of time people seem to update with better cropping, coloration, etc. before the deadline. For entries where it makes a difference (ones that stand a chance of placing) I'd hate to see them loose out because judging happened before the cut off time.

    Oh crap, maybe I did miss it one this morning..... If that is the case, I'll ask Shay to remove me from the judging.......
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    DebboggyDebboggy Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    I wouldn't want you to do that. It looks and sounds like you did a great job with the others and I'd agree that your top picks look about right. Don't let my lousy entry ruin anything. I was just pointing it out out of curiosity of when the judges review things more than anything else.
    Canon Rebel XTi w/18-55mm kit lens
    100-300mm USM
    100mm macro USM & Kenko extension tubes
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    TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Debboggy wrote:
    I wouldn't want you to do that. It looks and sounds like you did a great job with the others and I'd agree that your top picks look about right. Don't let my lousy entry ruin anything. I was just pointing it out out of curiosity of when the judges review things more than anything else.

    No, I've been staring at these photos all day (don't let my boss know) but I wouldn't want there to be any doubts. I've requested that Shay remove me from the panel. I apologize to all for the inconvenience.
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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis wrote:
    No, I've been staring at these photos all day (don't let my boss know) but I wouldn't want there to be any doubts. I've requested that Shay remove me from the panel. I apologize to all for the inconvenience.
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis, I must say thank you for a very classy, sensitive, and gentlemanly critique of each photo, as well as your explanation of how you went about judging. I think it was very good of you to remove yourself from Dgrin over the past two weeks, which must have been horrendously difficult! You did us all a great service by doing it that way, and the manner in which you discussed each photo, you did it in a way that we should all want to listen!

    In the future, it might be a good idea that, instead of switching entries in our posts, when we change our mind we should enter a new post and say in that post the the new photo supercedes photo such and such... Just an idea..

    And in your critique of my own entry, thanks for your comments, which are really right on the money accurate. I went with "equestrian," as that is where I spend my time and am strong for sure... I appreciate that you admitted you didn't know what you were looking at. You're not the only one, and I'm not sure it would make any difference had you known... That "nice collection of shiny metal objects," as another has called it, is a very intentionally confusing arrangement of bits, the device that is hooked to the end of a bridle and goes into the horses mouth. For everyone's benefit, what you see is a very severe assortment of ways to get the horse to comply...

    Onward to LPS11... Could it be man's first machine for me????
    www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
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    PaulThomasMcKeePaulThomasMcKee Registered Users Posts: 429 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis, please don’t be so hard on your self, really! I think you’ve done a respectable job. All one can ask of a judge is that they honestly respond to the images and somehow come up with a top ten – You’ve done that. It doesn’t sound as though you’d change any of your choices – so why not let them stand?

    Peace to you...
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    HoofClixHoofClix Registered Users Posts: 1,156 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis, please don’t be so hard on your self, really! I think you’ve done a respectable job. All one can ask of a judge is that they honestly respond to the images and somehow come up with a top ten – You’ve done that. It doesn’t sound as though you’d change any of your choices – so why not let them stand?

    Peace to you...

    No better said!
    www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
    and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
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    tsk1979tsk1979 Registered Users Posts: 937 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Hi Travis I changed my image at the last image with GGB.. :)
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    TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis, please don’t be so hard on your self, really! I think you’ve done a respectable job. All one can ask of a judge is that they honestly respond to the images and somehow come up with a top ten – You’ve done that. It doesn’t sound as though you’d change any of your choices – so why not let them stand?

    Peace to you...


    On another note, I want to THANK YOU for seeing the actual composition of my photo, the word that did it was "SURREAL" and "FANTASY", I am glad that you saw more than just a "pretty" model.

    I do agree, it will not be to everyone's liking...but I couldn't just go with the norm, as this was an "Open Theme" to show your creativity...Photos don't always have to be "hard" focused....and I think mine was of "Enchantment".....clap.gif

    Again, thank you, good job on your critiques...thumb.gif

    PS: Must run, I'm off to rehearsals...I am playing "Lucifers" girlfriend...Laughing.gif and the Director just called...LMAO LMAO
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
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    Xia_KeXia_Ke Registered Users Posts: 90 Big grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis wrote:
    30_Dawn Of A New Day_Xia Ke
    If this photo stopped at the foreground or if the background contained something of interest, it would be a contender; however, the empty open sky and lifeless ocean detracts from the overall composition.

    Thanks for taking the time to post feedback on everyone Travis thumb.gif Your comments were about what I expected on this shot. What can I say, I dropped the ball this last round.

    Thanks Again,
    Aaron Lehoux

    My Gallery

    "Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)
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    TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Thanks y'all
    I appreciate the feedback. I went back and checked and I WAS looking at the wrong file I had today. My fault. Don't worry, I'm not being hard on myself. I do want to make sure that everyone feels confident that they are getting judged the best they can. Per my request, Shay has removed me from the panel - so now you can take my critiques as an innocent bystander! clap.gif

    Thanks for understanding and good luck!
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    LiquidAirLiquidAir Registered Users Posts: 1,751 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    I have to say I found your critiques very interesting and thoughtful so all is not for naught.
    Travis wrote:
    14_Sea Breeze_LiquidAir
    One of my my favorite images (personal bias showing through)... This photo would benefit from some added PP. Lighting the foreground a bit more (not too much to maintain the mood) while protecting the highlights in the background and increasing the saturation to give it more pop.

    The version of my shot you have in your montage is not the final one I uploaded. That said, I am not sure that in my last edits I fully addressed your comments. I am planning on making a large print of that shot (now called Former Glory) so, competition aside, I'd love to hear any comments/suggestion you have on the final version in the entry thread. Since LPS#10, I have been a big fan of your PP work and I would really value your opinions.
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    Pat664422Pat664422 Registered Users Posts: 225 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis wrote:
    I appreciate the feedback. I went back and checked and I WAS looking at the wrong file I had today. My fault. Don't worry, I'm not being hard on myself. I do want to make sure that everyone feels confident that they are getting judged the best they can. Per my request, Shay has removed me from the panel - so now you can take my critiques as an innocent bystander! clap.gif

    Thanks for understanding and good luck!


    I was also someone who submitted changes to my photo late. From your critique, I imagine that it wouldn't have gotten me into the top ten, but even if it had, it sounds like it was just an honest mistake and I would be able to accept that. You guys are doing us a favor just donating your time and narrowing the list down to just 10.
    Travis wrote:
    27_The Perfect Street_Pat664422
    Oddly enough, I typically am not really interested in photos like this but I really like this one.

    Thank you for the critique. I wished I had come up with something more compelling, but it just didn't happen. I am glad you liked it though, thanks!
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    TravisTravis Registered Users Posts: 1,472 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    LiquidAir wrote:
    I have to say I found your critiques very interesting and thoughtful so all is not for naught.
    Travis wrote:
    14_Sea Breeze_LiquidAir
    One of my my favorite images (personal bias showing through)... This photo would benefit from some added PP. Lighting the foreground a bit more (not too much to maintain the mood) while protecting the highlights in the background and increasing the saturation to give it more pop.

    The version of my shot you have in your montage is not the final one I uploaded. That said, I am not sure that in my last edits I fully addressed your comments. I am planning on making a large print of that shot (now called Former Glory) so, competition aside, I'd love to hear any comments/suggestion you have on the final version in the entry thread. Since LPS#10, I have been a big fan of your PP work and I would really value your opinions.

    Honestly, it looks great the way it is. The first adjustment I was thinkg of is fairly subtle - add a levels layer and over brighten the photo. Then add a mask filled with black to hide the adjustment and use a soft brush at 10% opacity to selectively highlight the hull. The adjustment would be minor but may pull out some of the forground shadows.

    As for the pop... I would test using Margulis' LAB method for increasing saturation. Convert to LAB mode, open curves, and then pull the top-right and bottom-left points of the curve in 1 column (detail column view) on both the "a" and the "b" channels. Then convert back to RGB. My only concern is that it may over saturate that gold in the sunset but that can be masked out. It is really a matter of taste.

    As I said, it already looks great like most of your images. So if your happy with it, don't touch a thing. :D
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    sherstonesherstone Registered Users, Retired Mod Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Thank you so much for taking the time to give us your feedback on all the entries. It is always great to read how things are perceived by someone.
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    TentacionTentacion Registered Users Posts: 940 Major grins
    edited August 20, 2007
    Travis wrote:
    Per my request, Shay has removed me from the panel - so now you can take my critiques as an innocent bystander! clap.gif

    Thanks for understanding and good luck!

    Well that REALLY sucks...especially for those you picked as top 10ne_nau.gif :cry :fu

    Well JT, just proves that you are truly a Gentleman and a Scholar !!
    You're only as good as your next photo....
    One day, I started writing, not knowing that I had chained myself for life to a noble but merciless master. When God hands you a gift, he also hands you a whip; and the whip is intended solely for self-flagellation...I'm here alone in my dark madness, all by myself with my deck of cards --- and, of course, the whip God gave me." Truman Capote
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