WTB: Sigma 12-24 mm Canon mount
I'm looking to buy a used Sigma 12-24 to fill the gaping wide angle gap in my arsenal for my fall semester photo class. Fortunately, I've got a few hundred dollars burning a hole in my bank account that has just got to go. :rofl
If you've got a reasonably sharp copy (I've heard bad things about QC on this lens and thus avoiding ebay if possible) with no glaring mechanical defects (loose rings and the like), send some PM love with some pics of/with the lens and an offer. Cosmetic wear is not an issue if the optics are unaffected.
Also, if you live in the northern NJ area, local pickup would be awesome, otherwise references are a must.
-- Matt
If you've got a reasonably sharp copy (I've heard bad things about QC on this lens and thus avoiding ebay if possible) with no glaring mechanical defects (loose rings and the like), send some PM love with some pics of/with the lens and an offer. Cosmetic wear is not an issue if the optics are unaffected.
Also, if you live in the northern NJ area, local pickup would be awesome, otherwise references are a must.
-- Matt

Canon 20D | 17-55/2.8 IS | 28/1.8 | 50/1.8 | 85/1.8 | 24-70/2.8L | 24-105/4L IS | 580EX | 540EZ(x2) | Sigma 12-24/4.5-5.6

Canon 20D | 17-55/2.8 IS | 28/1.8 | 50/1.8 | 85/1.8 | 24-70/2.8L | 24-105/4L IS | 580EX | 540EZ(x2) | Sigma 12-24/4.5-5.6