Q&A about Vandana's photo

Got a question via PM about Vandana's photo having gotten top spot on Travis' voting. The question was how can the photo have gone from that to having only a single point?
Answer: Travis gave Vandana's photo the top spot which is worth 10 points. After stepping down as judge, that 10 points was also removed. Llywellyn also voted for the photo at the bottom of the top ten, which is worth 1 point. No other judge voted for Vandana's photo.
Top ten point values
#1 = 10 points
#2 = 9 points
#3 = 8 points
#4 = 7 points
#5 = 6 points
#6 = 5 points
#7 = 4 points
#8 = 3 points
#9 = 2 points
#10 = 1 points
The final points are an aggregate of all the judges and the higher up the top 10 a photo goes and the more judges that vote for it, the more points it gets real quick. Two top ten votes can get 20 points while 2 bottom ten votes only gets 2 points.
Answer: Travis gave Vandana's photo the top spot which is worth 10 points. After stepping down as judge, that 10 points was also removed. Llywellyn also voted for the photo at the bottom of the top ten, which is worth 1 point. No other judge voted for Vandana's photo.
Top ten point values
#1 = 10 points
#2 = 9 points
#3 = 8 points
#4 = 7 points
#5 = 6 points
#6 = 5 points
#7 = 4 points
#8 = 3 points
#9 = 2 points
#10 = 1 points
The final points are an aggregate of all the judges and the higher up the top 10 a photo goes and the more judges that vote for it, the more points it gets real quick. Two top ten votes can get 20 points while 2 bottom ten votes only gets 2 points.
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
I think E PMed you re that..I just saw a PM from him and replied. thanks !
I really dont have any complaints re the LPS. of course I'm a little disappointed not to get in this time, but I understand that not all photos can be liked equally by everybody.anyways, I don't think I have done badly at all so far in LPS history
Congrats to the finalists !
now, I'm getting some wicked ideas on 'man', and will go work on that !
Photo-a-day 2013
I noticed that Travis put Vandana's photo as #1 yet she was only listed as having received a single point. Seemed like something was wrong with that scenario so I PM'ed Shay. Thought I would take it off the board in case I was wrong - which it turns out I was (see above). I didn't realize that Travis was no longer judge which explains the whole thing.
Anyway, on to LPS 11. After reading Peter's diary, I've been inspired and am storyboarding like crazy.....
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