
Archways (SF2) the 2003 original for you to process

DeeDee Registered Users Posts: 2,981 Major grins
edited August 27, 2007 in Landscapes
I've had several comments and a couple of private messages about my photo that I entered in Last Photographer Standing, Semi Final 2.

Now, my curiosity is piqued -- so here's the original photo I took back in 2003 for you to post process to your hearts content... crop whichever way you think works best, etc.

If you have a reason for your choices please feel free to explain your thinking.

This was hand held. My memory is so bad, and I'm too lazy to figure out if I took this with the Sony 707 or the Sony 828. I only downsized and used bicubic sharpen, other than that it's straight out of the camera.

I reshot the photo with my Sony Alpha in raw for the SF2, and for those who wondered, (Travis, for example) I did add the beam of light. Now that I checked the time of day, I may go back this weekend and wait for the beam to appear (if it will... I know the angle of the sun changes due to the seasons).

So have at it -- I'm really curious, and anxious to learn how to improve my post processing... so I appreciate all of you who take the time to play with the photo.

Hey, if enough of you work on it, I'll set up a poll and we can vote on the post work we like best. (If I can figure out how to set up a poll, oh well, time to learn something new, right?)



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