What is the Smugmug equivalent to Zenfolio Collections?
Hello all. I'm looking for a way to have one photo (the same photo) displayed in more than one gallery. Similar to the "Collections" feature of Zenfolio where LINKS to a particular photograph are what is displayed in the gallery. Currently, I upload the same photo to different galleries and this gets pretty confusing for visitors, divides comments and views and photo popularity, etc.
So, does anyone know if there a Smugmug equivalent to Zenfolio's collections?
And if not, any suggestions on having a photo show up in multiple galleries without having to upload the same photo multiple times? Thanks in advance.
So, does anyone know if there a Smugmug equivalent to Zenfolio's collections?
And if not, any suggestions on having a photo show up in multiple galleries without having to upload the same photo multiple times? Thanks in advance.
Assign keywords like "collection1" and "collection2".
Each keyword gallery could have photos from anywhere. If a photo goes in
two "collections" put both keywords on that photo.
My Website index | My Blog
This is a way to get a "virtual gallery" (or "collection") of sorts TODAY with currently existing SmugMug capability.
"One Small Step for Man...One Huge Leap (for me, anyway!)". Allen, thanks for this. It might fall into the "Duh!!" category for many, but with the help of your suggestion, how to actually do it just hit me like a ton of bricks!
Creating a "Collection1" gallery using a single keyword (or even a multi-keyword combination) is not terribly complex...even for me!
- Create a "new gallery" and put a single photo in it as a "placeholder".
- Then, edit the caption to include a link* that launches the keyword search.
- Voila!!!....a "Virtual Gallery" appears when a visitor clicks on the link.
*I used the "/linking.htm" format in the caption that somebody showed me way back when:http://smugnick.smugmug.com/keyword/kw1-kw2-kw"n"/linking.htm
Not elegant...but it seems to work. One "downside" to using this approach is that the "collection" will have the same captions as the "original" images, which could be a bit confusing in context since the images can come from many unrelated galleries.
So pulling a "virtual gallery" (collection) together appears to be do-able without having to copy/move the entire content. Once accomplished, you can even access the shopping cart to order prints, etc.
Another problem is that keyword results pages don't (apparently) have any sort order parameters. They always display the most recently uploaded photos first. Unfortunately, I'm slowly adding photos in reverse-chronological order (loading newest photos first), which means all my keyword results pages are in exactly the reverse order I desire.
I wish there was some way to "force" a sort order on a keyword results gallery. There are some photos, for example, that I *always* want to be at the top -- whether they're new or old... but I can't figure out a way to do that.
So, basically, while you have complete control over display order in your original gallery, you lose all control when displaying images from a keyword search.
-egor (http://ultrasomething.smugmug.com)
Here are a couple of follow-up questions:
- Is there a way to do this so that a click on the thumbnail while in a category view gets the photos of the virutal gallery?
- Any other workarounds?
Thanks again.
For example, on my site (http://ultrasomething.smugmug.com), I have all the photos stored in galleries according to year. So, in the nav bar, everything in the "Subject" drop down list is simply a little script that looks for all images tagged with a certain keyword.
In this way, I can simply select "Subject>Vegetable>Landscapes" and all my photos that are tagged with the keyword, "Landscapes" appear.
I just used some basic HTML, like this:
Not sure I get the html code you've provided (I'm not an html expert). As far as I can tell, you've got it set up so that anyone using the drop-down menu on your site (cool pics, by the way) trigger the keyword search. What I was trying to do was to go to a virtual gallery (like what you have) but triggered by a click on a thumbnail (just like a real gallery).
Any help from anyone would be appreciated. Thanks.
None taken...I'm not wild about a two-click process either! Like you, I'd much prefer something "designed-in" over having to create work-arounds using tools I'm not proficient with (like html, css, etc)...but even as hokey as the work-around is, at least it "gets you there" (sort-of).
It appears to me that Egor's solution (with the NavBar drop-downs, etc) is much better, but I've yet to build up my courage or take the time to tackle the NavBar customization stuff...a bit too intimidating still for me.
Please check out this thread:
Clear instructions. Very easy to setup virtual galleries where you click on a thumbnail to trigger the keyword virtual gallery...