What can i expect from using tubes and a macro
I have a 55mm macro and would like better maganifcation with but also require to be a bit further away from my subjects.
What is the results of using tubes?
What is the results of using tubes?
Which 55mm are you referring to? (It can make a difference.)
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
They do not impair image quality unless a lot of extension is used.
They do require slightly longer exposures, because the stated f stop on the lens is no longer exactly correct due to the further positioning from the sensor plane. Your camera will automatically correct for this exposure change if you are using modern extension tubes.
To get further from the subject requires a longer focal length macro lens - think 105 or 180 perhaps.
You can use a standard telephoto with 12 or 24mm of extension tubes to allow you to focus closer with a standard telephoto. I do that frequently. A 300mm lens + extension tubes can be a good tool to chase butterflies with.
This was captured with Tamron 200-500 and a 24mm extension tube on a 20D.
This robber fly was shot with a 20D using a Tamron 180mm macro and 36mm of extension tubes.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
an old nikkor micro non ais
Regards Dave.
Thanks great info..
I made a quick tube with an old 50mm and cranked out a couple amazing shots with my 50mm1.8 and tryed my old 210 push pull ,Time to max the credit card
Regards Dave.
That lens is supposed to be pretty nice optically. I was concerned that you might be talking about the Quantaray 55mm, f3 or somesuch, which I would not recommend messing with.
Pathfinder is giving great advice, as usual, and it sounds like you're headed a different direction (new lens) which I agree with if you want more distance away from the subject.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
The wife is getting a little peeved
Regards Dave.