Nova Scotia - Through my eyes!

I have lived in Nova Scotia my whole life, and recently moved from Halifax to Shelburne (rural coastal area) for a year to work a term job halping small businesses. I have had a few opportunities to get out and take some shots.
Comments appreciated!

Comments appreciated!

Canon 40D
Canon 70-200mm F4L
Sigma 30mm 1.4
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home
Canon 70-200mm F4L
Sigma 30mm 1.4
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home
Halifax born and raised.:ivar
... I'm still peeling potatoes.
patti hinton photography
This time next year ,I will have moved from Ontaio and be living in Novia Scotia..
I cannot wait
Regards Dave.
Artur, would you believe my if I told you that of all of the shots there, #4 is the only one that was shot with a digicam (sony H1). The rest were shot with an xti and some decent glass.
D. Rogers where are you moving to in NS?
Canon 70-200mm F4L
Sigma 30mm 1.4
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home
Not sure yet .
Was looking at a bed and breakfast for sale in Digby ..
Thinking about staying rural ,have to take a road trip and check out the small towns.
Regards Dave.
I like the willets on the smooth water. (at least I think they are willets, I saw some the other day - the black stripe justs jumps at you).
Where is that lighthouse located?
I've been visiting lighthouses, so far I think I've been to 20 or so.
If you get a chance, visit Barrington they moved the lighthouse cap from Seal Island (1832 I think) and created a replica base (half the size, 35ft high). You can go up into the light and walk the outer deck. Really cool. I think its about an hour or so from Shelburne. We were just in that area last week. I want to go back to Brier Island. It was soooo nice.
We did 3 days from Halifax to Shelburne to Brier Island to Digby, then went home unloaded my camera ( ~800 photos ), then we went 3 days north Dartmouth to Canso - too foggy though, I recommend Tor Bay.. wow..
I have to get on of those Wolverines or similiar. You can dump your memory cards to them. They store 20-120GB.
Digby is a nice area. I wouldn't mind moving there someday. Actually there are a few areas I wouldn't mind living.
We met some ladies in the Gilbert Cove lighthouse, they mentioned they only get dish access or dialup. Aliant won't run the lines for them. Thats a bummer.
Haha.. It just goes to show you that good creativity and lighting will always trump expensive equipment. Not that the rest of the photos weren't excellent as they were, but still my favorite is the old building with the red door.
That lighthouse is at the end of Shelburne harbor, and is known as Sandy Point Lighthouse. If you look out from the town toward the mouth of the harbor, it si directly in the middle of the water between the two points of land. It's one of the only lighthouses that actually sits IN the water. There is a sandbar going right out to it at low tide.
Did you know that shelburne harbor is the 3rd largest natural harbor on earth? Another interesting fact. Shelburne was once the third largest city in North America.
Canon 70-200mm F4L
Sigma 30mm 1.4
Crumpler 7 Million Dollar Home