CH33: She's so happy.

I know it's sideways, but my computer is actng strange and suddenly will not rotate pictures and save them as anything but BMP. Ah.
This is a 4 year old girl I babysit for. She's happy.
This is a 4 year old girl I babysit for. She's happy.
Now come on. I know you love :lust me. What are you waiting for?
"i never knew until the world was my inspiration, and these walls were my canvas"
Hidilia Carpenter
1/3/32 - 12/28/04
I feel so privileged to be the first to respond!
First off, this is a really lovely photo! You've really captured the essence of this bubbly little girl. That much is absolutely wonderful! I have a request for you,'ve made a common newbie mistake and hopefully, you'll be able to fix it for the future. If you do nothing else...please look at your camera manual and get rid of the date stamp on your photos!!! It really detracts from any artistry...says loud and clear "I'm a beginner here",
I don't think you'll be a beginner for long, though...if this photo is any indication! You have a good eye for composition (well, seeing it sideways is a little hard, but I'm pretty sure it's good,
As for the computer problems, I'm not enough of a computer geek to help you out with that issue (but I'll bet someone here probably is, so hang tight!).
Really enjoyed your photo...(now go get rid of that date stamp, quick!!!)
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Nice shot of a beautiful subject. It is a bit overexposed, but I love the composition.
It might be just me, but I get distracted by strong reflections off the eyes in pictures, and that's happened with this girl's eyes.