Redirected Galleries result in duplicate "keyword search" images

I have been using redirects on my site (as one way of making the same gallery appear in different drop down lists). Recently, however, I noticed that performing a keyword search would result in duplicate images -- one image from the actual gallery, and one from the redirected gallery. This didn't use to be the case.
Consequently, I have gone through my site and removed all gallery redirects (using only keyword searches to make an image appear in multiple places). The problem, of course, is that keyword search results don't let me order the images in the gallery (which is why, when appropriate, I preferred to use redirects).
Is this a bug? Or is this new Smugmug "functionality?" I'm hoping it's a bug, since it actually makes Smugmug less functional for me. :-)
-egor ( )
I have been using redirects on my site (as one way of making the same gallery appear in different drop down lists). Recently, however, I noticed that performing a keyword search would result in duplicate images -- one image from the actual gallery, and one from the redirected gallery. This didn't use to be the case.
Consequently, I have gone through my site and removed all gallery redirects (using only keyword searches to make an image appear in multiple places). The problem, of course, is that keyword search results don't let me order the images in the gallery (which is why, when appropriate, I preferred to use redirects).
Is this a bug? Or is this new Smugmug "functionality?" I'm hoping it's a bug, since it actually makes Smugmug less functional for me. :-)
-egor ( )
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I wish I could -- but I recoded my site so as not to get the duplicate images in the keywords result page.
My javascript section still contains some remnants of a redirect table that I set up. Basically, I was using this format...
... to define the redirects.
But, as mentioned, I removed these. For example, in the past (under my EVENTS menu), I would have had redirects pointing to the two sets of concert photos... but, as mentioned, I recently started to get duplicate images appearing whenever I did a Keyword search. For example, if I went to Subject>People>Musicians, I would get duplicate images from each set of concert photos. When I removed the redirect, I no longer got duplicate images in any keyword search results page.
The problem, of course, is that now images in my EVENTS galleries are displayed in the wrong order (because I have to use Keywords rather than redirects to display them).
-egor ( )
The correct thing to do is to remove all keywords from photos in redirection galleries.