Aug 23rd Release Notes

* UTF8 characters should work around the site now. This includes captions, comments, gallery descriptions, gallery titles, bio, etc. You shouldn't be foiled by Ö ç © † ® å Ô ñ ¡ and the like
Give it a try.
NOTE: There's some stuff that's not displaying right, on the homepage, we're fixing that today we hope. Sorry about that issue.
* Comment Captcha is no longer required for Logged-In SmugMuggers :clap
* We had a bug in the shopping cart that sometimes an apostrophe in a name, or a & in a Street name could cause step 3 to not return shipping options. It's been fixed.
* Some tweaks to the Uploader page

NOTE: There's some stuff that's not displaying right, on the homepage, we're fixing that today we hope. Sorry about that issue.
* Comment Captcha is no longer required for Logged-In SmugMuggers :clap
* We had a bug in the shopping cart that sometimes an apostrophe in a name, or a & in a Street name could cause step 3 to not return shipping options. It's been fixed.
* Some tweaks to the Uploader page
Now a further push to enable utf-8 for keywords...
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Go and enter a ç or å or ø or † © ∫ ® etc in a caption, gallery name, description, or bio.
it's all good now
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Would love to see alot of the feature request added
Now we do normally push out new releases on Thursday nights, but we did not do so last night - but - we're still testing a bunch of new stuff, you'll have to wait a few more days for this release
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
And we hope to keep it fresh now, every time we make an update
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter