Fires in Greece

A bit of excitement while on holiday.
These first two were taken from my villa.

as you can see I don't have any fancy stitching s/w and an inconsistant camera make panoramas a challenge.
You won't see them here but there are three planes and a helicopter just at hill top level.

the skill and bravery of these guys is unbelievable. They did this *all* day.

I just like this shot

and the aftermath

No-one died here but the death toll is at 49 with the current fires in the Peloponese. :cry
These first two were taken from my villa.

as you can see I don't have any fancy stitching s/w and an inconsistant camera make panoramas a challenge.
You won't see them here but there are three planes and a helicopter just at hill top level.

the skill and bravery of these guys is unbelievable. They did this *all* day.

I just like this shot

and the aftermath

No-one died here but the death toll is at 49 with the current fires in the Peloponese. :cry
Isn't it nice to know that help is available at times like these.
Hooray for the Fire Fighters
Thanks for sharing Adrian .... Skippy
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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btw. try setting your camera to manual (dont change throughout shooting) and preset the wb (not auto) in order to get consequent photos for panorama. you should get more similar photos.
The loss of life these fires in Greece have caused is totally unexpected to me.
Yes, after the fire I was talking to one of the helicopter pilots. He was from the US, the funny thing is that he was more concerned about tackling the London underground for the first time than putting out forest fires.
that pano shot is made of three frames, the only difference between the left and middle frames is that the first was taken with auto-exposure (and sunny wb), the second I used the exposure settings for the manual settings (+sunny wb). At the time I didn't think that there would be that much difference between the processing of auto and manual with the same settings.
thanks for the thought anyway.
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There is some speculation in the press that a lot of the fires are arson, instigated by speculators trying to get around restrictive land development regulations.
Hope it isn't so......
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