
Rise of the Tulip

LexLex Registered Users Posts: 262 Major grins
edited August 28, 2007 in Landscapes
Well, we all know they don't last long, worth it? You decide...

This is not really macro, but it is an interestingly "cool shot" I guess, so I didn't put in landscapes. who knows, who cares I guess....

Thanks goodness I didn't plant them... I just photographed them this past spring... Finally post processed and loaded for your enjoyment.

They kinda "pop" don't they. :-)




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    Chrissiebeez_NLChrissiebeez_NL Registered Users Posts: 1,295 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2007
    either you overdid the photoshop process a bit, someone spraypainted the yellow tulips with green or i really need some sleep but those are some funky yellow tulips :D

    where was this? they sure had a lot of determinance planting all these tullips for those few weeks of bloom.. rolleyes1.gif
    Visit my website at christopherroos.smugmug.com
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    SkippySkippy Registered Users Posts: 12,075 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2007
    Lex wrote:
    Well, we all know they don't last long, worth it? You decide...

    This is not really macro, but it is an interestingly "cool shot" I guess, so I didn't put in landscapes. who knows, who cares I guess....

    Thanks goodness I didn't plant them... I just photographed them this past spring... Finally post processed and loaded for your enjoyment.

    They kinda "pop" don't they. :-)


    Wow Doug, what beautiful colours, they did well to keep the mix even.
    Your not wrong, they do POP clap.gif

    Lovely Shot......... Skippy :D
    Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"

    ALBUM http://ozzieskip.smugmug.com/

    :skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
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    LexLex Registered Users Posts: 262 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2007
    That's the phosphorescent fertilizer Chrissie. Good detail find, I didn't see that but it can easily be fixed. Thanks for locating my error.
    Skippy wrote:
    Wow Doug, what beautiful colours, they did well to keep the mix even.
    Your not wrong, they do POP clap.gif

    Lovely Shot......... Skippy :D

    Skippy, thanks, your always positive. I think it's like a club of women that run this place, and they do have attention to detail. There are a few clubs, many many churches in the area, and some old home places that are just amazing. One is even historically significant during the Civil War. A grand old place complete with a canonball in the back wall. :D It's right on the Tennessee River.

    Second edit-

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    kyeeziekyeezie Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2007
    Some of my favorite flowers! They sure are beautiful! Maybe if you pass them again, you could try to get closer to the ground when you take it, but still get the nice curve too. Great job!clap.gif
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    LexLex Registered Users Posts: 262 Major grins
    edited August 27, 2007
    kyeezie wrote:
    Some of my favorite flowers! They sure are beautiful! Maybe if you pass them again, you could try to get closer to the ground when you take it, but still get the nice curve too. Great job!clap.gif

    Thanks, at the time, I was competing with another photographer, if you can believe that. We both had seen them on Sat, and come back Sun afternoon. but he got the jump on me, and was setup with tripod, sort of in my way, so I got what I could get handheld. :-)
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    kyeeziekyeezie Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited August 28, 2007
    They are still beautiful!
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    LexLex Registered Users Posts: 262 Major grins
    edited August 28, 2007
    kyeezie wrote:
    They are still beautiful!

    the problem was, they were SO BRIGHT already, that an increase in saturation above a +2, brought out that green to the yellow. This is very uncharacteristic. Typically saturation can be throttled a lot higher than that without yellow oozing green slime. rolleyes1.gif
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    kyeeziekyeezie Registered Users Posts: 290 Major grins
    edited August 28, 2007
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