Upload issue Vista & IE7

Upload not displaying Windows Vista and IE 7. I get to the page to choose the up loader, but after choosing one I get nothing but the Smugmug header and footer.
I have to clear my temp internet files to get the upload choice menu to display again.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I have to clear my temp internet files to get the upload choice menu to display again.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
“I love not man the less, but Nature more.”
— Lord Byron
— Lord Byron
This screen grab is showing us that you are not logged in - so it may be a cookie issue
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from here I get
this screen
Have deleted all my temps including cookies. Even looked into to my Addons for any active X that may not have loaded correctly.
I dont even get prompted to install the active X.
I have to delete my IE temps to get the upload choice's to reapear after selecting one.
Winodws Vista is making me want to get a MAC.
— Lord Byron
OK so you are SURE you are logged in, yes?
I tried your link in IE7 and got the uploader.
Do you have firefox at your disposal to try as a control?
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Yes I am log in. Infact if I click on log in it tells me I'm logged in, then loops me back to the "screen shot" page.
No FF on my home machine… but at work I have FF on Win XP pro and IE 7 at work.
Upload will work from here on both FF and IE. I got prompted for the active X control in IE.
I built both my home PC and my Work PC. For some reason (should listen to the hype) I reloaded my home machine with Vista Ultimate ($300.00) a couple of months ago. I have been able to upload until last night. This was the first time trying the new upload.
FYI I can’t get the java to download for Fire Fox on my vista machine either.
I am sure this is my issue but was hoping some elise my have come across it.
Thank you again for your time and expertise. Mark
— Lord Byron
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I reset them to defualt, and even added the site as a trusted site.
— Lord Byron
— Lord Byron