Popular page login/logout issue
A while back it was discovered that if you are logged in to your smugmug account, the "popular" gallery has different photos than when you are logged out.
Has anyone found the reason for this and is there a way to see visitors really see while I'm logged in?
Has anyone found the reason for this and is there a way to see visitors really see while I'm logged in?
I don't see that this is the case on my site. I get 223 popular photos if I'm logged out or logged in. Could you fill me on the details on what exactly you see to be different on your site? Maybe a screenshot will make things more clear.
If you have some galleries with SmugIslands set to no, these populars won't show up if you're logged out.
In order to be on top of how your site looks logged out, try using a second browser. For example Firefox (www.mozilla.com) in addition to IE is a good combination.
SmugMug Support Hero
While logged out:
While logged in:
Clearly they are different and I'm just curious why... I have both browsers installed - I understand that - but I'd just like it to display to me, when logged in, what everyone else ends up seeing too... I like to see the latest voted on pictures without logging out, etc...
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks Sebastian - this was discussed right after smug islands came out, but since there were some problems with islands, I think it slipped through the cracks... I was hoping now is a more feasible time to mention it