FS: Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x Macro Lens
Lens is in good shape but well-used. No box or manual, non-original end-cap. $750 shipped and insured, comes with RRS (or Kirk, I forget) A-S QR plate, or $725 w/o plate. Payment by money order or personal check. Will get some pics up later.
Curious - How much for just the plate? $25?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
I will let the plate go for $750 and toss in the lens for free.
Thanks for the offer, but I don't need two of the lenses.
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
If the buyer does not want the free lens w/ their purchase of the plate, I will happily take the lens.
You could always sell one.
Since I was actually considering making an offer on this lens, I don't think that price checking constitutes "price police". Whatever this lens sells for is what it's worth. I was just saying that if I were to buy it, I'd want a significantly better price than what I could buy if for new. If the seller wasn't offline all day, I could have sent him a message via Yahoo to make an offer. I don't know how else to PM the seller.
For the record:
1. Price policing is not allowed, I nip it in the butt whenever I see it. That being said, I don't go around deleting posts left and right.
2. WW, you are on the right track with PM's. If you are having an issue sending receiving PM's please read this first:
if you still have issues post here, I'll square you away personally.
I just looked it up and found it at $827.61 on the U.S. Amazon site. I'd love the lens just have other priorities at this time...
Mike Mattix
Tulsa, OK
"There are always three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the truth" - Unknown