
Need help/ideas to clone out some flare

HiSPLHiSPL Registered Users Posts: 251 Major grins
edited August 30, 2007 in Finishing School
I was really fortunate to capture this image right as someone in the crowd fired their P&S. I really like the fill that it gives, unfortunately it gave me alot of flare as well! Can some of you Pshop gurus give me some pointers on how to clone out or otherwise minimize the flare while still looking natural? Does anybody have a trick for a complex patterned trouble spot like this?


Full size 300 ppi jpeg here. (1.4 meg)

BTW, the band is Crossfade. TIA for anything you can share....



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    LovesongLovesong Registered Users Posts: 56 Big grins
    edited August 29, 2007
    There are images that can be fixed and there are those that can only be made acceptable. In this case, the flare is pretty bad, essentially ruining the crowd, but having no effect on the band members. In this case, you basically try to make things look "pretty" and toss historical acuracy out the window. I used the burn tool to simpy make everything that was flared out to dark.

    Edit: Sorry, I'm at home on my glossy MBP, and just noticed I missed a few spots.

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    nikosnikos Registered Users Posts: 216 Major grins
    edited August 29, 2007
    Added two layers in multiply blend mode and then used layer masks with a soft brush to darken the areas of distraction and non-interested. I then finished it with a crop.

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    HiSPLHiSPL Registered Users Posts: 251 Major grins
    edited August 29, 2007
    Niiiice! See i knew there was a trick out there just waiting to be discovered. I wish I knew more about blending modes and what they do.... Got any recomended reading on the subject?

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    nikosnikos Registered Users Posts: 216 Major grins
    edited August 30, 2007
    HiSPL wrote:
    Niiiice! See i knew there was a trick out there just waiting to be discovered. I wish I knew more about blending modes and what they do.... Got any recomended reading on the subject?


    Yep, and it's right here on DGrin. Simply click on the Tutorials link at the top of the page and check out the Photoshop stuff.

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