Powermac G5

Thinking about picking up a Powermac G5.
Dual 1.8hgz, with either 2-3gigs of ram. I also looking at picking up a different monitor for this system. I like their monitors, but they are kinda pricey.
Now my question is this, with the dual 1.8ghz and 2 gigs of ram will this be enough to run photoshop cs? All the system will be used for is editing photo's, nothing more. I have my PC to play on the net with.
Dual 1.8hgz, with either 2-3gigs of ram. I also looking at picking up a different monitor for this system. I like their monitors, but they are kinda pricey.
Now my question is this, with the dual 1.8ghz and 2 gigs of ram will this be enough to run photoshop cs? All the system will be used for is editing photo's, nothing more. I have my PC to play on the net with.
i run the 2.5ghz g5, with 3.5 gigs of ram. it screams! i went with the big unit, becuase of the large files from my 1Ds Mark II. photoshop loves ram, and big scratch disks. have plenty of both.
can't say enough about the 30" apple cinema display, yeah it's pricey but to me, worth it. the 23" is used by a few members, and honestly, that'd be big enough for me, too.
you might take a read through this thread.
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I run a Pentium 1.4 mhz with 1 gb of ram, no problems.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Yeah, I run PSCS on my 1ghz G4 Powerbook, with only 1gig of ram.
wxwax, wow that's an old system, running at 1.4mhz. Don't know how you do it...
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That's fine, but unnecessary. You can easily use the G5 for internet access without concern. If you are worried about speed, you can just quit when you're running PS. Either way is fine, just not sure why you'd want an extra setup you don't need.
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So does this mean no to getting the G5?
Oh, I get around. :hurt
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Dell FPW2005 (widescreen) is getting really good press in terms of working well on Macs. http://www.macintouch.com with the coupon codes available at dealmac.com, the price this week went from $749 retail to $506!
I'm going to get one, I think. I've gotten over the horror of it all. 1600x1200 or you can get a newer Radeon 9600 card, IIRC, and be able to pivot the display from landscape to portrait with the G5 (I have 1 GHz PB).
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Are you planning on starting up your own photography business?
Are you sure you can pivot? I heard something about OSX not supporting that, and that it requires system support.
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I'm thinking you can do this...I saw it posted someplace. I'll see if I can find it.
Do you have experience in this, have any help, or just doing it with no help?
A friend of mine told me that I should start my own business....even though I don't have a regular gig at this. I'm not sure if I want to bother with it....
Yes, I think you're right. I was reading this on macintouch.com a few days or a week ago. Other readers have since posted saying that it works.
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knock that crap off...work's gonna come too early tomorrow as it is. :bluduh
let's keep this recreational, shall we?
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Also fxing to start working on equipment, this should be fun.
You have more than enough of everything to run CS. I am running it on a G4 dual processor with 1 gb of ram and it is fine. Just bought the Samsung 21" monitor and it is grand. YOu might want to check them out. Also, the Eizo's are very good.
Good luck and be careful not to burn the house down with all that speed!!!
Pivot in Tiger.
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