
Tablet for Photoshop?

GJMPhotoGJMPhoto Registered Users Posts: 372 Major grins
edited August 31, 2007 in Finishing School
I wasn't sure which thread to put this into, but I figured I'd attract more photoshop experts here than in equipment:

I'm currently a PC user with a Wacom tablet running CS3 and LOVING the setup. However, I'd like to take it on the road.

Can anyone recommend a good laptop (I'm open to any brand) that can support high-quality pen-based 'photoshop-ing'? From what I've seen of the tablets out there, they seem to lack some precision...I don't want to be frustrated coming from the Wacom world.


Thanks in advance...
- Gary.


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    hgernhardtjrhgernhardtjr Registered Users Posts: 417 Major grins
    edited August 31, 2007
    I, too, will be interested in a reply. While Wacom states there are "Wacom Penabled®" certified tablets out there and which implies will use my current pens, I have not found any. So in the interim, I use a Viao laptop and my old Intuos pad when I am traveling. But it would be so much more convenient to have everything in one package.
    — Henry —
    Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.
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